Rattly Motor


Can anyone answer this question. Ive been given a 50cc chinesse motor kit on a bike. Its only have a tank of fuel through it since new. Its just been sitting around for about a year or two. I got it going yesterday, its very,very rattly it sounds like theirs lose nuts and bolts in it, like I said its near new has anyone else had this and can it be quiet it down thanks mick29
assuming everything's tight, try putting your hand over the clutch cover (the big teardrop shaped one) and see if it quiets down. the cover seems to amplify the gear noise.

i spray the inside of the cover with Plast-dip paint, some people use cork or other gasket material to quiet it down.
personally I'd run a rich mix tank, chuck abit of grease between the the two gears on the RHS of the motor. Check ya clutch aint too loose (flower nut) if it is you'll hear it alot when you peddling with the motor off and the clutch is set on with the button on the lever. Re-grease ya chain check all ya engine mount bolts are tight inc. exh, intake. Also if the clutch cable is too loose then check the little arm isnt flappin around. Look for anything that isnt secured and tie it down.
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