Question about OCC frame


New Member
does anyone know what metal the OCC stingray 20'' frame is made of?

I need to know so I can weld. Google does not know
it is steel,,,we have welded many OCC/WCC frames and they are all steel,,,the OCC spoiler is aluminum tho ;)
When welding the steel Stingray frame, is it necessary to sand the painted areas of the frame that are to be welded? Also to add a 6.5 Horse Power Honda Clone (Harbor Freight) engine, the seat post pole must be removed and re-welded to the frame, is this a hard task and does that weaken the frame by alittle or alot?
When welding the steel Stingray frame, is it necessary to sand the painted areas of the frame that are to be welded? Also to add a 6.5 Horse Power Honda Clone (Harbor Freight) engine, the seat post pole must be removed and re-welded to the frame, is this a hard task and does that weaken the frame by alittle or alot?

a flame torch will burn the paint in the area right off. yes, it is necessary to remove the paint before welding. i suggest practicing welding before trying it on anything important. just as long as you reinforce the frame, it should not be a prob.