Police Everywhere!


Custom MB Buiilder
I was going to the corner store when I heard the noise of a police radio. I was stopped at the red light waiting to cross in the crosswalk. Very BAD intersection! FOUR Policemen on mtn. bikes came up going the same way I was. One said "nice bike" pointing at my ride. He shouted Hey Guys he has a motor on this bike! After the ooo's and ahhh's they asked me where they could get kits for there personal bikes. The rest is going to be sweet! I've never felt safer, (tear, sniffel) After they left! Ha, LOL (c)
If anyone remembers, awhile back I advocated each of us having a simple web site with photos and some explanation of our bikes. Then print out pages of either tickets or cards with our screen names and the URL of the web site.
The site could have a list of links to this site, the Yahoo Group for this site,
engine kit suppliers and whatever.

In this way when you're in a situation like Tramp found himself in you can reach into your pocket and hand some of those pre-printed address slips to those
who are looking at your book in awe. (imagine the looks on their face when they see you even have it online :D ) I'm sure the officers didn't have long to talk if they were on the job. But if you don't have long to talk cause you're on your way to work.........well you can see the "power" of this idea.

Who knows Tramp, we may have had four or five bicycle officers joining us here today at the end of their shift. :) And having them with us.....if not even advocates for us couldn't be better. After all.....if officers in squad cars
see a riquimbili going down the street and don't know what to make of it and
think.....hmmmm....I'll ask Jonsie, he's one of our bike cops, maybe he'll know something about them things...... ( and maybe he'll know their called "riquimbili's" and get up to 200 mpg )

Could work !
If anyone remembers, awhile back I advocated each of us having a simple web site with photos and some explanation of our bikes. Then print out pages of either tickets or cards with our screen names and the URL of the web site.
The site could have a list of links to this site, the Yahoo Group for this site,
engine kit suppliers and whatever.

In this way when you're in a situation like Tramp found himself in you can reach into your pocket and hand some of those pre-printed address slips to those
who are looking at your book in awe. (imagine the looks on their face when they see you even have it online :D ) I'm sure the officers didn't have long to talk if they were on the job. But if you don't have long to talk cause you're on your way to work.........well you can see the "power" of this idea.

Who knows Tramp, we may have had four or five bicycle officers joining us here today at the end of their shift. :) And having them with us.....if not even advocates for us couldn't be better. After all.....if officers in squad cars
see a riquimbili going down the street and don't know what to make of it and
think.....hmmmm....I'll ask Jonsie, he's one of our bike cops, maybe he'll know something about them things...... ( and maybe he'll know their called "riquimbili's" and get up to 200 mpg )

Could work !

I made a business card template and tried to post it here. Unfortunately, the site does not post any publisher documents. My fault, I didn't check. I tried to convert it to a word doc but the file is too big. I'm not too computer savy so I don't know how elso to post it. But if anyone wants, leave me your e-mail and I'll e-mail it to. If any of the Modrators would like to see the copy before it's made public, let me know and I'll e-mail it to you before it goes public for approval. You just have to print on to card stock and cut into 3-1/2" X 2" and you can get 8 business cards.
I've been meaning to set up a little page of my own with info and links to here and vendors, etc and print out something...I just haven't gotten around to it.

Only thing that sucks is if you give it to the cops and they see that we've got 67cc's instead of 50cc's, they'll know how to tell the difference and might crack down on us....and not care that I need the extra 17cc's to push my fat gut up the hills :(
I've been meaning to set up a little page of my own with info and links to here and vendors, etc and print out something...I just haven't gotten around to it.

Only thing that sucks is if you give it to the cops and they see that we've got 67cc's instead of 50cc's, they'll know how to tell the difference and might crack down on us....and not care that I need the extra 17cc's to push my fat gut up the hills :(

Good point. The internet opens up so much information that it is used for and against any one. Mabe I'll hold back on the cards for a while. Don't want the Fuzz getting smart.
Ahh, good point! The only way to tell is to open the motor and "mike" it. A police officer is going to treat you like you treat them. Most cops are great people! Some are not :( I gave each of them a hand written card with the websight and MY phone Number. And 4 Glocks with 13 bullets each at 10 feet is not odds I like. rotfl
I can't speak for the rest, but after my super model wife wakes me up I take a shower and put on my silk boxers, Aderian Taylor long sleeve button down dress shirt, and gold cuff links. Take my trousers off of the hanger and put them on. I sit on the bed as my super model wife brings me coffee and a donut. Tie my silk tony mucho tie and put my Brooks bros shoes on. Cotton socks always. Then I put on my shoulder holster and coat and get a kiss then
I mount my motorized bicycle? Wake up! There bicycles! You have a Benz? you deal drugs, or a lawyer or doctor. Cops care less about us, unless we are doing something stupid.
What's funny is that I know more police officers that own and operate things that they shouldn't.


I think most law officers who are into motor bikes realize we're just trying to get some gas milage and maybe tweek our rides out a bit. If we get busted it would be more likely for exceding the speed limit for these things in our state, for running 40 mph in a 15 mph zone, not staying long enough at the stop sign, weaving in and out of slow traffic, and the usual traffic court Judge favorites that are quick and clean ez fines. I could only imagine the expressions on the traffic court Judges face as he sits listening to some cop who wants to tear down an engine to prove it's 15cc over the limit.

I'd love to sit in the traffic court room that day...and listen to all the snickering.

15cc's is about the volume of a teaspoon.
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Thanks eDJ Ride right or be a Hood Ornament. 40 in a school zone. Bad idea. Got a ticket dismissed for 168 in a 55 a while back, cause motorsickles can't go that fast! Buford. Thanks Judge! I was seeing 171.
Honda speedo's are known to be a little fast. WCIS?
What's funny is that I know more police officers that own and operate things that they shouldn't.
Every now and then, when I guess there aren't more pressing issues on people's minds, the loud motorcycle debate starts getting press. It usually dies off again when it's pointed out that the reason the cops don't enforce noise level ordinances, is that they would have to be arresting themselves, as a number of them drive mufflerless Harleys.
I live just down the street from a police training school and have ridden up there, and showed my bike to the offficers. They think it's Cool. No pressure. Ride with your brain, not your backside and you have it all. (c)
A few years ago I used to listen to Robert D. Radford on the John Boy & Billy's Big Show in the morning drive to work. Radford was an avad biker and used to talk about loud pipes in his commentaries.

He spoke of the two schools of thinking where one was represented by a sticker on the rear fender thas said: "Loud Pipes Save Lives".

The other camp was by those who abided by the caution imprinted on the exhaust of their Harley's that removing the pipes would violate some federal laws. So they ran the OEM exhaust and rode with caution.

The problem with the loud pipes is the temptation to grab a handfull and make some unnecessary noise or downshift to "Jake Brake" the bike and again make unnecessary noise.

But on these small 50cc two strokes there won't be that much noise coming thru a muffler. If an expansion chamber without a baffle on the end of it...then it could sound like a chainsaw.

On our DIY bikes I wonder how the noise limits for lawn equipment will match up to the noise limits of road vehicles.
I am in favor of Safety! Pipes are are a way to let the people in other means of transport know you are there. The "Mosqito" theory is also there.
Make them angry and you become a target! " Officer, I didn't SEE the Bike"
yea, right.