Pirate Cycle Hub Adapter


New Member
Does anyone know the size of the hub on these bikes, and could you get a hub adapter for these rims? I really dont want to go back to the rag joint
What "bikes" are you referring to?
There are a lot of different sizes of rear hubs. Pirate gives the sizes of the hubs they sell on their website. You'll need to use a caliper and measure the hub diameter, accurately, and check your measurements against what is available. By accurately, I mean down to the thousands. A digital caliper is recommended for this unless you're familiar with using the dial or scale type.

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Yeah, I know how to use a micrometer, I can get the jesse james chopper, its just I dont have a micrometer in my posession. I may be able to find one though, didnt know pirate cycles had the sizes listed.
A digital caliper can be purchased at most hardware stores. Not too expensive. Then, like 2door said.. find the one you need. I bought one from pirate.. good quality!!
A digital caliper can be purchased at most hardware stores. Not too expensive. Then, like 2door said.. find the one you need. I bought one from pirate.. good quality!!

Yeah, I like piratecycles, they seem to have good customer service and a quality product. I may just buy a nice micrometer set or start bringing rims into school and using theres. Thanks for the help guys!