New Member
I am constantly looking on Craigslist's FREE section for bicycles, lawn mowers and the likes. Surprisingly, I've actually done well at picking items up around the Ventura County area where I live. 3 wheeler trikes and a tandem will be projects I'm wanting to build soon. Both will be using steel frames , not aluminum.
Briggs and Stratton, Honda and other vertical shaft motors can easily be converted to operate as a horizontal shaft drive. The only real modification is to weld onto the connecting rod's bottom side a 1 1/2" splash rod. That is all it takes to use these motors for custom builds.
Briggs and Stratton, Honda and other vertical shaft motors can easily be converted to operate as a horizontal shaft drive. The only real modification is to weld onto the connecting rod's bottom side a 1 1/2" splash rod. That is all it takes to use these motors for custom builds.