One more noob from Ohio


New Member
Hi there, Just got home tonight with my new toy.. It is a Giant ATX 860 mountain bike I picked off Craigslist for just $75. I am not real sure of the year, but it is blue and silver 18 inch frame with 26 inch tires and is aluminum. Has shocks on the forks and the seat post. I think the seat post is not original. This is to become my own motorized bicycle project... My first of course. I am really a car guy. Had a nice Diamondback mountain bike years ago in the Navy that was stolen after having it only a year and a half... A few motorcycles here and there, but nothing serious. I first found out about these motorized bikes just two days ago and I instantly fell in love with the whole concept. I am hoping to get the old girl in top condition before adding a 49cc four stroke from and a Sick bike shifter kit. I am missing 2 spokes on the rear rim, how did that happen? Other than being a little dirty and the front shocks rubber booties are dry and cracked, everything else seems in perfect working condition. So.... did I do good? Opinions please... I can take it! Oh, and its great to be here... Todd.
Todd, welcome to our community and we're glad you've found and joined us.
Sounds like you're well on your way to your first motorized bicycle but just a warning; it won't be your last. They are addictive.

Have fun and ride safe, please. If you need any help there is a world of experience here to help you through the first stages, so ask if you need assistance.

Thanks Tom, I am hoping to get my wife addicted as well. A couple years ago we took a vacation to Amish country in Lancaster county PA. In a little town called Bird in Hand, we rented two 50cc scooters for a couple hours and had a blast. The wife does not like motorcycles since she has seen her brother injured at motorcross a couple times but she did enjoy the little scooter. We are planning some RV adventures in the near future and need a second mode of transport while camping. I thought a couple motorized bikes would fit that need perfectly. I guess only time will tell if the wifey jumps on the bandwagon with me eh?
Build one and take your time, get it right, safe and dependable and let her ride it. She'll be hooked. Then that will give you an excuse to build another one. :)

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

Howdy & welcome!!

If you're at a loss on how to 'persuade' the wife, take a look at biknut's thread/saga about getting his $10,000 electric bike ---- this is the doctorate level class for persuasion.

Best of luck!!
Holy moly... Ten grand, yikes! Yea, my wife is a penny pincher, which I am actually grateful for. No mall shopaholics here.. When I told her about 150mpg and her eyes did pop a bit.. So as long as my bike costs less than buying a good scooter and is dependible, I am sure she will agree on a second one. I feel like I made a good purchase with my Giant. The guy had it listed a few weeks ago for $200 and kept lowering the price till I showed up with $75 cash in hand. I was first interested in the 19 inch wheeled black cruiser from walmart.. It sure looks sweet. I saw it in person yesterday.. and was worried I would be spending $150 on a cool frame but having to replace everything else, even the oversized handle bars to make my ride. That is too much just for us frugal folks. I am a bit worried about my Giant being aluminum, but from what I have read, its about as good an aluminum frame as you can find without breaking the bank. I lifted up a steel cruiser bike at walmart and whoa was it heavy... Plus I am getting the gentle 49cc four stroke and I will be shifting my gears to get speed at a lower rpm vs having the throttle wide open. Im not going for days of thunder, more like driving Ms. Daisy...
welcome to our motorized bicycle world todd. I think you did real good. easy to replace the rubber boots and spokes. we look forward to hearing more about your build and it is great to have you with us
Awesome! Welcome aboard. I like this because i plan on taking motor bike with on the RV also. With 49cc you should be legal in most states. I have traveld a lot and have yet to see a motor bike on the back of a RV. See one on the streets now and then but that's it.And they need to be light to lift on the rack...............Curt