OCC Stingray web bike build


New Member
I recently got a occ stringray from a garage sale.My seven year old son loves cruising around on it and gave me the OK to get the motor on it (of course)...I like that the bike is just big enough for me to ride too......These bikes were called XLs ????

Im planing on using a 66cc grubee that i have.I know where to buy the motor mount and exhaust pipe....I plan on using a tool bag with a pvc fuel tank inside, Ill mount the tank to the back of the seat....

My big ? is if I should buy the manic hub adapter???? Anyone know how well they work???

Man, once your done building one bike you GOT to start on another.....FUN,FUN

Check out the pics.... The guy I got it from said it was never riden....


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I have built 7-8 of these with my son-in-law (azvinnie)
the 2 main things are:
get an engine mount (search e-bay for barry occ mount) his are the best :)
get an adapter and sprocket (Jim's <Manic Mechanic> are the best, but there are others)

good luck on your build and please take lots of pics ;)
OCC with 5-spd. and seat tank.


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Yes, thanks for the replies....

The motor mount and pipe are going to come from "Barry" on e bay .Looks to be the best and really only way to go......

Im going to get the manic hub adapter because I think theres not a lot of spokes to support the sproket on this rim, after looking at it.... I wouldn't want to mess that up.....or have something fail while my kid is riding it....

I have a lot of different mopeds/bikes in the garage and all my buddies seem to be attracted to the stingray.Most of us had one 25 or so years ago and it just brings back good memories....... .shft.

More to come......

bought a occ from craigs list......is there an air adjustment on the carb.....it looks like the original motor......bought exaust from gasbikes.net it fits but rides a little close to the ground.....has anyone ever had to replace the bearings in the back tire..need to know if they are specialized or a reg bike tire bearring