occ chopper trouble

i had this problem on my OCC, there is a sprocket adapter SPROCKET ADAPTER for our bikes that takes the mess out of this very nice from what ive been told,however i dont have the time or money for one and made due with slapping on nice thick washers (2 of them per bolt) behind the sprocket plate and rubber to space the sprocket out further away from the rim. just make sure they are all the same size washers and are spread out flat and even when tighten em all up,you dont want the sprocket to be lop sided.

if you dont want to try that,then get another chain tensioner to pull the chain away from the tire slightly.the key word here is "slightly" cause you dont want to go way out on your chain alignment.good luck!
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that's probably a good idea, placing washers for added space. However, I think I'd prefer my dirty white side walls than going bonkers over chain alignment issues. Just my 2 cents.
You need to offset your motor just a bit, 5/8th or 3/8th then get the adapter, most of the chopper guys do this. I am doing the same for the large wheels I have. You can make some offset mounts or buy some from jim, he can offset them for you. Remember a straight chain is a happy chain!!!