OCC Chopper Help


New Member
Ok, just bought a couple occ chopper bikes that i'm gonna switch my motor onto... couple things i wanted to change that i need some help with.

1. jackshaft kit - where do i get one and i'm planning on hills, low sprocket count?
2. front brakes - no brakes on the chopper, yet. thinking about disc brakes but for now i'm looking for easy and effective... would calipers be easier or should i just go with disc for safety?
3. gearing - any body know of a way to put gears on a chopper bike?
4. legality - when i had the motor on a road bike, cops didn't care. i'm thinking their gonna notice this a little bit more... OR law only rules against motors under 50cc... mines 66cc.... anyways any thoughts on the subject would be helpful.

Thanks guys
hey, all i can do is point you in the right direction with your bike because i dont have any pictures to work with, so ill try my best, also im going to assume that you are using a 2 stroke 66cc/80cc skyhawk/grubee

1. the only j shaft kit that i am aware of is the shifter kit at SBP, check it out at sickbikeparts.com
2. your best bet for an bicycle parts on a chopper is this site: Choppersus.com. it has al sorts of choppers part probably more then you thought existed
3.you could buy a wheel with derauilair and all built in to it or remove the gears on your wheel and thread them on your self( cant help as much here dont know much about it at all)
4. police dont judge MBs on engine size unless you basicallywrite it on your forehead, if you fly to fast then they may challenge your bike but telling the difference they will never know
Dude that helps a lot...
you guessed right... i am using a skyhawk, grubee... 66cc. lol... anyways ya so i think i'm retarded as far as terminoligy goes so... a jackshaft to my knowlege right now is the kit that gives your motor the ability to shift... somehow... i'm looking for the kit that converts the sprocket on the left side of the motor to the right side... i saw it on youtube and thought it was badass and i want it. so... am i retarded completely or just partially? i dunno. other than that i'll have to keep searching on that website to completely find everything... and ya again i had no idea some of this stuff was even real...
thanks again for the help... hopefully i can return the favor someday...
Look at the sickbikeparts.com and the shifer kit yus saw on YouTube to transfer the left to right is there it doesn't allow you to shift but if yu buy a new rear wheel with a disk brake mounted left and a 5 to 8 speed rear derauilliar mounted right side
A standard 5 speed cluster will fit on your OCC wheel. You will have a tight fit on the axle length but it will go. Be sure to put a washer on the axle near the cluster to provide clearance for the chain when in fifth gear.
If you have the ability or know someone that can weld you would be best off making your own motor mount and jack shaft setup.
It works very well and is both cheap and dependable.


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