occ chopper 50cc pitbike build


New Member
I thought id share a few pics of my latest project its a occ stingray chopper copy, im using a 50cc semi auto pitbike motor to keep it street legal. Im still waiting for my rear sprocket I ordered on ebay and I still need to sort out a fuel tank and a few other small things then I can strip it back down and paint it.

Pretty slick! Pedals still functional? That's the big obstacle to most builds with this style motor....
Keep us up to date!
Pretty slick! Pedals still functional? That's the big obstacle to most builds with this style motor....
Keep us up to date!

yes the pedals are still functional I will be using a chain roller from a 2 stroke china kit to keep the chain from rubbing on the motor
Well done Dan,
I have the same Stingray frame and have been trying to decide on a motor for it.
It's not a priority build ATM, but I had wondered if one of those motors would fit.
Love the suicide shifter.
Let us know how it goes and what speed you get out of her.
I like it! The functioning pedals is a definite accomplishment. Been there before, with an OCC china girl. :)

Definitely a one of a kind.