occ 20" stretched, slammed, and re-organized

okay, so i got started in this "hobby" buying a basket case OCC with motor mounted off craigslist for "cheap." It was fun, and came with the issues of some amature builder's fab. I started building my own bikes, think about "doing something" to this standard red chopper bicycle, which had a complete motor kit mounted to it.

My family went out of town for the holiday weekend, i needed to stay for some work stuff, the shop would be largely abandoned and free of supervisory staff...
Independence Day indeed!

here is how i celebrated the fourth of july in 2015...
i assume every one knows what an OCC bicycle looks like, but just for laughs here is a picture of me on one...

(and i assume this clears up any question about my handle)

i want to really stretch and slam this thing! i want my butt dragging the ground. can i push the seat lower? can i get the seat lower than the wheel? can i somehow keep the original lines and form of the bike, but also get the bottom bar down against the ground ? let's see...


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this is the first time i have used a jig in my build

it was super simple, 2 lengths of 1" square tubing, clamped onto a couple of chunks of 2" square steel tubing -(note. looking back i would have used 1" for my uprights etc, as my bottom tube was 3" wide and the rails etc. would have matched the bottom tube eliminating any measuring)

overall i think it worked well, better than without

i want my chopper to scrape the ground, so cut off the the rear wheel triangle and flipped it over.

the first image shows (approximately) what the old bottom was like, versus after the flip.

i wanted to keep the travel in the rear wheel for tensioning the chain later.


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the simple jig made it much easier to test fit and get the measurements.

i worked a bunch of this out (approximately) on paper first, but it is always a little different in real life

i use chunks of steel to jack things into place temporarily. the uniform sizes are like a ruler as well as a holder. (note. the 4" steel tube under the bottom bracket. note. the extra 1.5" wood spacer yeah!)

first image is just to see if i'm close, second has bottom tube in place - homing in on details, others just detail shots and the final tack up.

i see some gussets in my future... longish sticks with butt joints, i smell failure without gusseting


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i ran out of energy about 3:00 or so, and i have to ride my tall bike to the train and home, so i only got the frame done today, but i think it's a good start.

that leaves forks (materials?) and engine.

im in this about 7 hours at this point - not including planning which was ??hours

here is how it sits now - the forks are still waiting to be extended, so the second image shows the approximate final stance, the wheel is on the ground and a block under the bottom tube so you can imagine how it will look once the forks are extented (about 6 inches)

that is about 3 inches of ground clearance.

looks like there could be room for two engines, hmmm

hope i get some more time soon, but man i am beat!
oh yeah and a quick shout out to crazyhorse and Venice MB - your sharing and artful eyes have been helpful and inspiring.

my other build threads:
west coast chopper - stretched to fit a "grown up"- http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=52014

occ pixie chopper - 30" to over 70" wheelbase- http://motorbicycling.com/showthread.php?t=58030


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YES !! I l like it I have thought about the same thing a guy has one for 30 bucks where I live but I am 6 3" I think I am to tall for one.. Looks like the forks could be a little longer now.
What kind of welder are you using.
Daement-Me too! hopefully i can spend some more time on this soon.

350 - this was just the kids bike, in fact the first picture is me on the the actual bike i stretched
30 bucks is a good deal, particularly if most/all the parts are there. I have made two other kid to adult stretches and they are traffic stoppers. one is JJ WCC and the other an OCC 12" pixie now over 6 feet long.
You are correct the forks need a a few inches (6-ish) of extension. (though if i did it again i might adjust the bottom tube so the forks stayed the original length...)
I used a MIG for this project - in the past i have used a small Flux core (fcaw)machine. i think the fluxcore is better at joining the bike materials to the other types of materials. i found the the straight gas MIG more likely to through when joining the different types of materials. I dont know if it is me or the machine...

Curtis Fox- THANX! I agree, and glad you like it.
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occ 20" stretch -2016

A few weeks ago I "noticed" that this project has been parked, incomplete, since my flurry of activity almost a year ago.

I have set myself the goal of completing it, ready to ride before July 4th, which would be the one year mark.

List of new things i have done to complete the bike:
extended forks
added seat mount
designed and fabbed seat
fabbed proto handlebars
mounted engine
extended both chains
fabbed rear axle tensioners

still working on:
fuel tank
brakes f, r
levers FB, RB, C
throttle grip

what else?

here's some pix


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occ 20" stretch -more pix 2016

a few more pictures


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a couple of us trying ot the chopper for size...

a few shots of us trying out the nearly completed bike

i included a shot of the original bike for comparison. (Of course I can't help also comparing my gut. Man! apparently ice cream is my kryptonite!)


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So crazy! What was I waiting for?

There has been a break in the winter weather.

So after ANOTHER 7ish months I took an afternoon and completed the brakes & cables, twisted up a chopper exhaust header, added a tiny gas tank, did the cdi

Finally fired this thing up, and this is surely the BEST ONE YET!

What was i waiting for?

Anyway the weather was beautiful while i worked on the thing, but as I began riding it began to rain, so I cut it short.

A few tweaks still needed - pix to follow
right on.
i had put this in the videos section a while back, but :

I had been riding it around various parking lots out at my old work, it had (has) this short open header made of 1/2" emt.

since I have been riding a lot more lately, i noticed it was sucking gas at a crazy rate - i assume because of the short, skinny header, essentially the opposite of an expansion chamber. Not pushing any fuel back into the chamber may also cause a lean fuel situation, even though it is using a ton of fuel.

on the plus side it sounds like riding a pack of firecrackers down the street!

I am messing around with a "solution" but ultimately will prolly break down and purchase some type of exhaust system. I have a pipe off the original configuration, but the thing is now so low that it hits the ground. ha
