o.c.c vs w.c.c (chopper vs biker)


New Member
the first stage of the o.c.c build is done the forks and the kick stand are done we tired to do the seat but the seat post bent so we have to come up with a new design for seat the w.c.c build will start in the next few days

for more info on the build check out the web sit
Home ?(west coast vs east coast)?

leave some tips or questions if you wont
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Orange County Choppers (American Chopper T.V. show) and West Coast Choppers (Jesse James, I think, right?)
I just bought a WCC bike like yours, and would like to put a motor in it (wondering what is best). I know almost nothing about bicycles, but I know lots about motorcycles. Just built a full size chopper with a 107 S&S motor and a yr ago rode it a 1000 miles in a day and a half back from Sturgis. So I ought to be able to motorize this WCC bike.

Mind if I take lessons from you guys?

Guess I need to introduce myself (will right after this post)
I do not have a WCC, have only seen them in pictures. I do have an OCC, and I changed out the forks with the rare set that has front brakes and a 20" tire. Also replaced the handle bars, added a dual cable brake lever, and reduced the seat post size by way of sleeve inserts to 1" to accommodate a lay back seat post and a 13" coil cushioned seat. Compliments to Bike Barry for the motor mount and the exhaust pipe and to Manic Mechanic for the rear sprocket and sprocket adapter!


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I just bought a WCC bike like yours, and would like to put a motor in it (wondering what is best). I know almost nothing about bicycles, but I know lots about motorcycles. Just built a full size chopper with a 107 S&S motor and a yr ago rode it a 1000 miles in a day and a half back from Sturgis. So I ought to be able to motorize this WCC bike.

Mind if I take lessons from you guys?

Guess I need to introduce myself (will right after this post)

my buddy (outlawchopper) doesnt have net right now so allow me to tell you the nightmare which we had to go thru to get his up and running.

first off the cheapest engine kit we could come up with was an 80cc black slant head from boygofast. however,they shipped the wrong engine,we received a standard 80cc silver engine kit and we didnt have time to argue and fuss about it,we just had to make due. i dont have chopper's permission to release photos at this time but i can tell you right now,if you are doing this on a budget and cant afford custom machined parts your going to have to design and weld up a custom motor mount, either cut the crank and weld an extension on it to clear the engine or hope a 3 peice crank will be wide enough to clear the engine. also for the chain to clear the frame and bulbous tire on this bike was a miracle of trial and error, we still have yet to perfect it,but it works well enough for now. we had to ditch the coaster brake hub and rim cause the stock spokes wont accept the 9 bolt thru the clam shell adapter also the coaster brake is in the way even after heavily modifying it. we used a freewheel and made custom brakes.

currently i dont know of anyone who has custom machined parts available to make the engine install any easier but you might want to contact creative engineering MANIC Mechanic Parts.htm he might have something available or can make something.good luck.
I do not have a WCC, have only seen them in pictures. I do have an OCC, and I changed out the forks with the rare set that has front brakes and a 20" tire. Also replaced the handle bars, added a dual cable brake lever, and reduced the seat post size by way of sleeve inserts to 1" to accommodate a lay back seat post and a 13" coil cushioned seat. Compliments to Bike Barry for the motor mount and the exhaust pipe and to Manic Mechanic for the rear sprocket and sprocket adapter!

I like your bike! Can you tell me where you got the brake cables? I'm running into the problem where the cable is too short with the ape hangers.
Thank you. I purchased the brake cables from a local bike shop and the cable housing is sold by the foot. The dual brake cable lever was a big plus and is the tension to either brake is of course fully adjustable both at the lever and the brakes. Sitting back as far as I now do makes for an un-cramped ride and this seat absorbs most of the road bumps.
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I do not have a WCC, have only seen them in pictures. I do have an OCC, and I changed out the forks with the rare set that has front brakes and a 20" tire. Also replaced the handle bars, added a dual cable brake lever, and reduced the seat post size by way of sleeve inserts to 1" to accommodate a lay back seat post and a 13" coil cushioned seat. Compliments to Bike Barry for the motor mount and the exhaust pipe and to Manic Mechanic for the rear sprocket and sprocket adapter!
that 's an awsome bike!!
i really like the way the seat looks like.it seems you get an comfy ride.
could you tell me where got the seat and how did you manage to get it fit in the seat post, please.
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i love the tires that come on the schwinn , BUT i really don,t like the look of how the stingrays frame goes horizontal from the rear axle to the pedals , i think the jessie frame looks way better the way it drops down from the rear axle .
Is it me Or am i the only person besides verry few that jackshaft theese things? it costs alot more and def takes more time but man i cant picture having an offset motor... cool bikes i cant wait to chop an occ i have waiting lol

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update: i dont remember if i shared what seems to be my finished product with you all but if i did here is some new pics.


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Is it me Or am i the only person besides verry few that jackshaft theese things? it costs alot more and def takes more time but man i cant picture having an offset motor... cool bikes i cant wait to chop an occ i have waiting lol

Hi flybytaco,
i really like your set up, and I'm considering building a jackchaft like yours.
could you give me details about it please?(like sprocket size,pillow blocks) shaft size...
thank you very much
Both my bikes have a custom jackshaft set up with a 5 spd hub.
I still have to post pics of my second bike....thank God the weather is finally nice enough
1 single speed and one five speed. Single speed has spring seat. 2 speed has Apple Juice tank(48 oz.).



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