not kicken over


New Member
I have a 66/80cc grubee engine and I'm not getting anything when I try starting it not even any sound of a possible start. If you know what I mean . I'm getting a new carb & chain next week so I'm gonna disassemble the bike and see if I can get maybe a lucky when I put it back together; but if anyone has any tips or ideas please feel free.:-||
by no sound, do you mean it's not even popping like it's tryin' to start?

without more info, it sounds like your clutch isn't adjusted right.

the rear wheel should roll free with the clutch lever pulled, and skid with it released. if it's rolling free with the lever released, you need to loosen the cable at the engine.

the wheel needs to grab in order to kick it over.
popping as not tryin to start and i have the clutch adjusted i have adjusted it back and forth too tight too loose but i think i got it , but its just not like i feel and im no pro but no spark im just i think turning the engine.
check the wires going to the coil, make sure you got black-black, and blue-blue (or what ever color it is. but just make sure they match)