

New Member
Building my first motorized bicycle! My bass player and I saw these in California earlier this year and he already has 4 of them. This is my first build...I'll post photos soon. This site has help me so much!! Thank you!!
lucky welcome to our world of the motorized bicycle. we look forward to hearing about your build and seeing the pictures,, its a great hobby and a great way to meet some wonderful people, the knowledge and talent on this sight is mind boggling.
Welcome to the world of motorized bicycle, tell us more about your will quickly fall in love with this hobby,ride safe
Welcome to our community. If you need help or advice you'll find it here. Motorized bicycles is a great hobby shared by folks all over the world. You're in good company.
Have fun and ride safe.

Project - "Lucky 13"

Sold 1 of my guitars and bought this beach cruiser and an engine kit. I'm almost done, I just need to straighten out my sprocket..its a bit wobbly and hook the wires up!! Thanks again for a great welcome!


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Got her running finally!! Thanks again for the all the help!! Can't wait to build #2!!


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Good looking ride, Lucky. If I may make a suggestion, if you wish to continue using a chain tensioner, contact turbobuick1 here on the forums. He has a GREAT tensioner that mounts to the side of the engine and is spring-loaded. The stock ones are junk as far as I'm concerned. And they've been known to come loose and fall into the spokes, sending you on a flight without a plane.


I've had mine for awhile now and it has performed FLAWLESSLY. Best 40 bucks I've ever spent.
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