New to motorized bikes.


New Member
Hello, I just bought a tera 820 with a new 66cc and sbp jackshaft kit. I am going to upgrade it as much as I can afford to so I can use it on forest service roads in northern California where I look for gold. I have really bad rheumatoid arthritis which limits how far I can hike and with gas being over $4.00 a gallon this bike should be great for exploring the hundreds of miles of forest service roads out there. I am pleased to be a member of this group. I have learned a lot in the short time I have been here.
Welcome aboard, Seb. We're glad you've joined us. Do a lot of reading and see what others have done to build a safe, reliable motorized bicycle. Sounds like you're on your way to a lot of fun.
Ride safe and enjoy.

Thank you 2door. I have been reading night and day. Placed an order today for new gasket set, titanium wrist pin and brass bushing and 4 bearings. Also ordered Arrows Torquer2 expansion exhaust. It will cost a good bit of money but it will be worth it if I can be mobile out in the woods.
Is there a way to subscribe to threads. I forget which ones I am following
Howdy & welcome!!

Any thread that I post in will show up on my 'subscribed' list. Then you'll see little arrows by the Post title ---- indications of a subscribed post. With that being said, I tend to look in each thread.......sometimes you'll find some useful info that has nothing to do with the title.

Good luck with your new project!!
seb welcome to the world of motorized bicycles, I hope you enjoy the forum as much as we do. look forward to hearing about your new project