New Skyhawk cannot free pedal


New Member
I have just setup a new Grubee 48cc Skyhawk. I can get engine started and I can fine tune that later but my understanding is that with the clutch disengaged I would be able to free pedal but no mater the clutch position every push of the pedal and the engine is trying to start. Is this correct? can someone help
Thank you for your help, I adjusted the flower nut as far as I could but was only able to move a few notches. It did help in that I can pedal easier but still not free pedal. What else should I do? I don't want to ruin the F-Nut. After this I'll figure out why the throttle wont work.

Thank You
Do not adjust the flower nut until you have checked your clutch cable tension and the handlebar lever operation. Most of the experienced builders here will tell you that the times when flower nut adjustment is necessary are extremely rare.
Install the clutch cable to the engine clutch actuator arm and press inward on the arm and tighten the cable stop so there is no slack in the cable. You might have to do this a couple of times as the cables are prone to stretching until they have some hours on them. Remember, you want no slack in the clutch cable when installed and the handlebar lever not depressed. There are instances where the clutch friction pads come from the factory stuck and require some work to free them. Can you push inward with your hand on the clutch actuator arm enough to disengage the clutch? Let us know.

No I can not free the clutch no matter how far I push on the actuator arm. I have finally tightened the clutch cable as I far as I can. How can I get the clutch unstuck?
Here's a method that seems to work most of the time. Remove the clutch actuator cover, the one over your drive sprocket. Protruding from the center of the sprocket should be a steel pin. (Behind thet pin there should be a ball bearing.) Give that pin a good rap with a plastic headed hammer or use a block of wood to protect it and use any hammer. It might take several good whacks but if the clutch pads are stuck this might free them. Some have had luck with tapping on the other side of the clutch but you don't want to beat it to death; just a couple of solid hits should do it. If you have the right side cover removed, move the clutch arm inward with your hand and see if you can see movement of the clutch pressure plate. Give this a try and get back to us with the results. There are other things to try but lets start with the simple things first.
.we.Make sure its not the sprocket on the back rim, could be putting the bearings in a bind, I have a micargi cruiser and I had to mod the dust cap on rear hub???