That was # 130 at my Willow Springs race on June 18th.Hi E-guys('n girls)
I saw this and thought it was pretty cool:
It looks like the large rear sprocket is mounted right onto a 3+ speed hub for better power range. Cool eh?
And the builders other bikes
There were about 76 riders.For a fair overview, what's an estimate on the number of ICE bikes that died or didn't finish?
Great Breakdown MBR. Most importantly, nobody was hurt(ego's don't count[well, not as much])
Dang, I'll bet the two E-bikes that finished weren't overcooking(amping?) half as much, eh?
I can see this coming soon...
*Announcers voice*
"At this years race,
Introducing quick change motors....
Having sparks? Pull over and park...
While the burnt one has a Thermite reaction...
Throw on a Fresh One...
And get back in the Action!!!
Sunday, Sunday, ...Sunday!!"
Whoo! \,,/
Cool, E-race-bikes are really taking off with power-to-weight. About once a month I see articles about 'improved efficiency' of Batts.
hey mb'r, I put "19 t shirt' in google image search, and this came up.
Seems apt, eh? heh heh.