New Old guy

Dan Vincent

New Member
Hi guys,

I just turned 70 a couple of days ago and discovered Whizzer motorbikes are available again.

Over my life I've had 15 motorcycles but I started out with Whizzers.

My brother had an old Whizzer, maybe a '47 that was mounted on a regular bicycle frame. We ported and relieved the engine and did several mods and I remember outrunning a guy wiith a Midget Mustang. One day I was winding it out behind my brother's '36 Ford coupe and seized the engine.

Later on I bought a used factory 1951 Whizzer that was built on a Schwinn Frame. I found a Webco aluminum head that was a lot larger than the standard head but it had higher compression. We did several mods to the engine and it ran pretty good. I'll post a picture of my old '51 Whizzer taken by the previous owner.

Now I find my self with a situation that might fit a new Whizzer. I would like to get a small bike without a license to run out to the barn where we keep my grand-daughter's horse. I take care of the horse and go to the barn at least three times a week.

If I travel the regular roads the barn is 2.7 miles from the house. There is a railroad track that I could take that would shorten the trip to about 1 mile but I do have to travel about a quarter mile on a street so I need the moped status.

OK, here's my question. I weigh about 220 lbs and I would like to find heavy duty tires that could handle the railroad ballast gravel that is along side the tracks. In some places it is just a dirt road so I'm really looking for heavy duty knobby tires.

If this doesn't sound good maybe I'll just get a regular motorcycle dirt bike and take the license test.


  • 51 Whizzer Motorbike.jpg
    51 Whizzer Motorbike.jpg
    137.2 KB · Views: 164
love the story and good to stay young , I just built a motor bike how about a 4wheeler often the cheap chines ones are easy to start and great tires for when it rains, just my opion..

excelent pic and thanks for sharing
I'll bet you'd give almost anything to have that Whizzer back again. Welcome to the forum and I'm sure you'll get lots of good advice here to set you on your way to a bike that will serve you well. Thanks for sharing the photo.