New, Hooked, and could use advice...


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
Alberta Canada
2 weeks ago I got a beat up china girl from my son. I fixed it up and got it running. I am now hooked. I have a bit of a heart problem so I can not exert myself too much so this is really a godsend for me. I can pedal till I get winded or heart gets tired and then let the motor take over.

I want bigger, faster and more reliable now. I am thinking of doing a 2000 mile+ trip this summer so reliable is really important. I have spent countless hours surfing and am all the more confused now. There are so many choices and sooooo many opinions.

I was thinking of Dax's xc50S with his friction drive but wonder if that has quite enough power and speed for me as a lot of my driving for my trip would be in the Rocky Mountains and would also like to cruise at about 35 mph {on the flat, not while going up the mountains...} without bagging the motor either way. Keeping in mind I am 200lbs and would be bringing 50 lbs of gear.

Looking at the threads the predator 99
seems great but am not sure of the horsepower on it or if it could handle 8 hours a day of 35 mph reliably. Also being in Canada I am worried about getting parts in case of a breakdown. Also I can't go too huge as around here the cops can get a bit funny so I need to be able to at least be able to say, "of course it's only a 49cc" with at least somewhat of a straight face...

I also have no idea how to mount it or what other hardware I would need. I am thinking it might be a bit too big and too much hassle for frame mount so rear mount might be the way to go???

Is my logic on this right? Is there something better for me for $500-00ish or less? If I go with the predator what is the best mounting system and where can I go to get it? {URL's please}

Thanks in advance for your help!xct2

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
I too have heart problems and live where there's lots of steep hills. 35 mph 8 hours a day is a bit much for any motor. 4 strokes do tend be able to handle more over the long haul. With these kits you tend to get what you pay for. With the length of a trip you're talking about friction drives kits will put a lot of wear on your tire. Since you're going through multiple areas the laws may differ. What is legal in one place may not be in another. I suggest getting registered and insured in your area. Then most places will give you some leeway on a registered and insured vehicle. I suggest after finishing your build finding a partner for some short trips. Once you've gained some experience then go the long one.

Here are important questions to consider when building for yourself or others:

1) What is the predominant riding terrain?
2) What type of physique does the primary rider have?
3) What will the rider's local laws allow and require them to have?
(Lookup and personally read these laws.)
4) What kind of bike is being motorized?
5) What is the bike to be used for?
6) How much of a budget is to be used for the build?

Seek the answers to these questions in order to get the most out of the bike you're building. We're here to help with any questions you may have. Good luck with your build.


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
Alberta Canada
mostly flat land, often with 20 mph winds. Small bit of off road use, this summer some high mountain highways. Although I am planning on going for up to 8 hours a day this summer, it would unlikely be for more than 1.5 hours at a time without taking at least 15 minute breaks. Mountain bike with front suspension only. Planning on using the predator 99 cc engine at this point.

As far as licensing that is not an option here. You basically have to make it a full motorcycle before they would even consider it and regardless I am not allowed to have a drivers license so...

As far as laws go, for the most part if you keep it {in theory} under 49 cc I should be okay but planning on getting the 99 cc and putting a dummy sticker on it... {my bad lol}

I am very mechanical, I fix cars, motorcycles, almost anything and have the tools to do almost anything within reason. {Okay usually I have the tools to do anything except the one stupid tool I need to fix the XXXXX that I really need to fix right at this moment...}


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
Alberta Canada
Oh and every week or so doing a 40 - 100 mile 1 day round trip.

I have a china motor now that I have fixed and am using and am pretty okay with that but not quite enough power and definitely not the reliability I will need.

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Here in the USA the laws varies from state to state. For example my state Tennessee if its got a motor on it you must have a drivers license to operate on the public roadways. It doesn't matter what size the engine is. So if you plan to travel here be careful.
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Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Here in Tennessee for a motorized bicycle you don't have to register or insure your bike. But you must have a driver's license. You can voluntarily register and insure your bike. By putting regulation lighting, gauges and braking on a bike some states will let you register it as a moped. Then when you go to other states you have less problems because its a registered and insured vehicle.
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Jan 1, 2011
Denver, CO
Welcome to the forum, with the gas prices rising the way they are... why not make a great choice for saving money, and fun eye catching transportation. The best advise I can give you is get good at searching for your answers. There is so much information on here that will address any of your concerns. In other words, if it happens to you, it has already happened to others. Best of luck with everything, post pictures when your project is underway. :)


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
have ported the intake? this is easy to do and adds power and helps them run better, all you need is a good file or dremel tool it seamed to help with my top speed and maintaining that speed


Jul 14, 2010
Boise, ID
Check your country's laws. Right now for most of Canada the gasoline motored MB's are illegal. You can do whatever you want with electric but many have been busted riding their China motored bikes. I think there's a lot of difference between enforcement among the Provinces. It's mostly the Eastern ones where riders are having a problem, that and BC.

Make subtle inquires, it might be that Alberta places low emphisis on motorized bikes :)

There is a legal option where they can't say anything and that's a pusher bike. Run any sized motor you want, 6.5 HP Harbor Freight motor, and 1 drive wheel connected to the bike with a pole. These don't wear on the bike tire, small drive wheel with gokart tire, easily detachable. There are some threads on pushers here with good ideas.
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New Member
Mar 10, 2012
I think our nuts!
a 2000 mile trip on a bike with a china made 2 stroke?
I hope you also bring a good pair of shoes, because you'll be walking a lot.
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New Member
Mar 13, 2012
in Oregon we are supposed to register them as mopeds and pass a safety inspection but so far the only person that seems to be getting tickets is not wearing a helmet. were i live the cops just look at me and don't pull me over. soooo will ride till stopped then do the moped thing all ready have all the safety stuff in place


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
don't loose heart, I think to many people are trying to pull to much power and speed out these little motors. if you have more then on off position on the throttle and keep your maintenance up it will work!


Jul 14, 2010
Boise, ID
Fast way to find out is check the Legal forum below. If there's nothing then post something about it like 'MB Laws, Alberta Canada" or something like that. I'm pretty sure that you'll get help with that question there :)


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
Rockwall TX
Dax Titan engines running in Utah mountains

A 2000 mile trip in 20 days would be 100 miles in a day. I have ridden bicycles and motor bicycles up to 100mi in a day and it can be a real chore, esp in really hot or windy weather, and if you have any breakdowns it can be very stressful.

With most motor bicycles, you get only one motor speed/gear. If it is low enough to climb mountain grades without exerting yourself much as a bicyclist, it will be slow and consume a lot of fuel.

Whatever you do, if you are going a long way on a bicycle, it is good not to travel alone. Best of luck!

I am a fan of Dax Friction Drives. With a 1" roller, and a 50cc engine, you should be able to do 20mph on the flats, and it should be able to grind up most grades with minimal input. You will be able to conserve fuel by idling or coasting down major grades. The 1" roller does not freewheel, and can be used to control descending speeds, or can be lifted off the wheel to accomodate the highest speeds or pedaling without the engine running.


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
Alberta Canada
At this point I think I am going to weld myself up a small trailer and make it into a pusher bike. I think I will build it with 2 sets of gears, one for normal, and one for mountains and higher winds. Since my plan for this bike is for longer distances where I would want a small cargo trailer anyway this seems to make sense. Of course I will probably change my mind another 10 times between now and when I build it but...

My next question is, if I break down, will my AMA cover towing motorized bicycle? If I run out of gas, will they bring me gas? My wife works for AMA, I will have to ask her...


New Member
Apr 16, 2012
Alberta Canada
I think our nuts!
a 2000 mile trip on a bike with a china made 2 stroke?
I hope you also bring a good pair of shoes, because you'll be walking a lot.
Not planning on it with a china lady, planning on it with a good 4 stroke. With a China lady that would just be plain silly... Mind you I did do a 40 mile trip today with my China lady and as per norm, it performed just great. I must be one of the lucky ones {he says with his fingers crossed}