New guy from Illinois


New Member
Hello from Central Illinois!
I am just getting started doing the research on building a motorized bike. To be honest what I have come across so far has just managed to confuse me more.
Because this is a just for the fun of doing it project I am on a limited budget around $500.00...and am not sure what I can do on this budget.
I've seen bikes for under $200 and engine kits out there for $150 or so but I get the impression that they are pretty much low quality and/or Chinese made junk.
I am really hoping that with the help of this forum I can build a reasonably priced and fun to ride bike in time for the spring thaw.
welcome to the world of motorized bicycles. my first bike was a cheap kmart bike with a cheap chineese engine and I had a blast with it. some will disagree with me but if you take care of them it will give you 1,000's of miles of fun. yes they are cheap built but you get what you pay for so you take extra care of it. great to have you with us
Thanks Paul!
I've been thinking this over for a few months and was considering building cheap the first time (just to see if I like playing with it) and then maybe building a 2nd better bike.
I guess I should cover what bike options I am thinking over.
I would like to use a stretch cruiser like a Micargi Puma or Mustang but for my first try I'll probably go with an inexpensive standard frame 1speed beach cruiser.
I am a heavy guy (260lbs) so I had planned on going with at least a 66cc engine and 40 tooth sprocket. Where I live it is nice and flat and I don't plan on doing any racing so I don't need it to accelerate too quickly...just get me around town at a decent speed.
One thing that I really do not like is the stock teardrop gas tanks that seem to come with all of the kits. I've looked around online and, except for the expensive custom made tanks I haven't really seen any other options...short of making my own. If it comes to that I have a feeling that my bike will wind up with a 5(?)L mini beer keg for a gas tank.
I guess I better get busy and start reading through the forums.
not sure on gas tanks, things you do want to do is mix the oil and gas properly. I know a lot of people like going light on oil for higher performance. most of the people that have problems with their motors are the ones that try to make them high performance. I suggest use what is recommended with your motor. I am 220lbs and had no problem with the bigger motor. difference in the smaller and bigger one is the bigger one was designed to haul things so it has more torgue, speed wise they are about the same. motorized bicycles are fun, I had as much fun with my 2 stroke 66cc motor that cost me less then 200 as I do with my 48v electric which cost me close to 2g by the time I finished. if I were to go back in time I would start with the less expensive set up because I learned most so much from it. build your motorized bike and enjoy it, its a dream come true for most of us, we all dreamed when kids of having a motor on our bicycles. we put cards and everything else on the spokes just to make it sound like we did, for me my bikes have been the fountain of youth.
Welcome Harpo.
You've found the right place for help and advice with your first build. Don't let the naysayers scare you about the quality of the Chinese 2 stroke engines. Installed and cared for properly they will provide you with many miles of riding fun. There is a wealth of information here to draw from so don't be afraid to ask and you can also spend hours researching and reading what others have done to get the most from the hobby of motorized bicycles.
Good luck, have fun and ride safe.

Howdy & welcome!!

There's ways to do a great bike on a budget if you're willing to get your hands dirty. I've got about $450 total in my bike and it has served me well! Take a look at my album for some pictures. Sure, there's some things that I would have done differently, but I found this forum after the initial build. The 'improvements' will be incorporated into build #2 ---- however, this one is suiting me just fine so far!!

Good luck on your build!
Welcome! Really great folks here in the forum. My first build, a still in progress Skull and Crossbones. An American built frame from socal. HBBC. Not Chinese made crap. For a kit that includes this bike and a nice engine go to Jakes. Jake's good people.
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Welcome Harpo.
You've found the right place for help and advice with your first build. Don't let the naysayers scare you about the quality of the Chinese 2 stroke engines. Installed and cared for properly they will provide you with many miles of riding fun. There is a wealth of information here to draw from so don't be afraid to ask and you can also spend hours researching and reading what others have done to get the most from the hobby of motorized bicycles.
Good luck, have fun and ride safe.


I have been running the little Chinese engines for over 15 years in 70"+ rc boats and if taken care oc they will work and last just as well as any other engine out there. I have trophies to show they can beat out the quote best on the market like zeoah. But I always say buy what you want and can afford and have fun with it. All of our opinions are just that. And welc9me welcome.
I weigh 250 lbs. The one thing you must consider is the predominant terrain you'll be riding on asphalt, dirt, level ground or steep hills. This will help the members here give you the best setup suggestions.
I have had so much bad "luck" with Chinese made garbage in the past in my previous Incarnation as a paintball field manager that I am considering just skipping the 2 cycles all together and going with a top quality Honda (real thing) 4-stroke or a vintage American made engine and hopefully get someone local to help me fab up what I need to make it all work. I know that will be harder and take a lot more cash and time...but I am hesitant about throwing a couple hundred bucks at another Chinese made paperweight/ deathtrap.
Welcome aboard, Harpo.

Now let's hear you speak. (Lame joke? Yeah, I guess. Besides, the younger crowd won't get it at all)

If you've got flat terrain, then you must be east of me. But we might not be all that far apart.

You might still want to give the chinese two strokes a try. Some of us are quite fond of them.

Maybe they're like an ugly dog. It might be ugly, but it might still be loveable.
Hi Harpo

i have couple guys here in Addison with those little china girls and 4 Stroke Shift Kits, they claim speed of 50 mph
Sorry but I really doubt that Skull and Crossbones or any low priced cruiser bike are actually made in Socal.

Gotta be made in China or Taiwan for those kind of prices.

The company may be local but the bikes just like the Felts are made in China.

Thanks for the info. Heck if I know :) I can only go by what I'm told and read. Still though, it's damn sure a well built frame. Heavy but strong and super clean welds.
Speaking of welds...
Earlier today I was in Walmart to pick up a couple of things I couldn't find anywhere else...out of curiosity I took a stroll by the bikes. They had a rack of new Huffy branded cruiser bikes for $94 so I thought I would take a quick look. terrible paint, badly assembled, pedals that wouldn't spin (no bearings), kinky (bent looking) chain, twisted flimsy chain guard, terrible terrible sloppy misaligned welds and the frame actually flexed and made cracking noises when I put a little torque on it. and it wasn't like it was just one bad bike out of the lot...EVERY bike was just as bad! and that was after just a quick look.
Not that I was actually interested in buying one, I was just curious what kid of bikes they are selling now. I am disgusted and it just one more example of why I never shop there unless I have to.
Garbage like that is just built to kill someone...
I have a pic of a couple of the welds but no way to post it.
"I am a heavy guy (260lbs)"
start with custom built frame, then pick and choose quality parts for it. If you go with regular bike you will end up just wasting/loosing your money.
Just Contact Lynn and explain her your situation, she will help you, look her up on youtube also
[email protected]
Greendale , WI 53129
ph: 414-732-0017
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