New design of motor-bike


New Member
8-speed gear ratio drive chain assembly driven by motor(no pedals installed). In small neighborhood can get 30mph in first gear, 34 mph in second, had to slow down after that, not enough road. After I have it street legal I will leave the neighborhood and test top end out. I'm anticipating around 60 mph. If that is not achievable with this bike I will at least boost the gas mileage at an enormous rate. There is a dynamo installed on the wheel that keeps ten AA batteries charged in case I need to change the batteries on the lights. No need to plug into the wall.

Check out the video at youtube
YouTube - gear driven motor bicycle with 66cc engine

This happened on the first test run, brakes failed on me. If you custom build a bracket for disc brakes for a frame that's not built for it, make sure it is tough.
Hey man, welcome to the forums. We're getting quite a crew from the Dallas area. Me, you, longhorn6, granburyman, and I'm sure that isn't all. Hang around, you'll like it.
BTW, here's the law in TX that applies to mopeds: Vehicle Registration FAQs Click on "What about my moped", about half way down the page. As you can see, a bicycle can't be registered in TX as a moped. That means that we have to follow the 38cc or less bicycle restriction. Now, whether or not you do so is completely up to you, of course. Nice build. I vote you just don't ride it overly fast, so they'll never find out that it isn't a 38cc.;)
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from the tx dept. of public safety this is classified as a moped because it has an engine displacement between 50cc - 150cc. That's the area of mopeds and dirt bikes. It is considered a motor-driven cycle. I have contacted the TxDot and TxDPS and am in the process of getting vehicle inspected, i have all the proper lighting(rechargeable lighting system with 12v 6w dynamo) I have a license plate mount and still waiting on getting licence plate light, my brakes work fine. This is all that tx requires to register this bike. Oh yeah, you have to have insurance. But in comparison to owning a car. All this is an enormous money saving investment.
That's awesome. It's great being wrong in instances like that. And yeah, owning cars is quite expensive in comparison.Outrageously so, as a matter of fact. Let us know how it goes, will you?
no prob. if you go to the Texas Department of Public Safety website on the bottom left you'll see vehicle inspection, go there the click on inspection criteria on the left then select your type of vehicle. 50cc - 125cc(not 150) is considered motor-driven cycle, it's found in exact location of motorcycles.