New and have a question


New Member
hello im not sure were to post this question so i just added to my introduction anyways my name is Cameron and i am from California and i am on a mission to make a motorized bike run on water HHO i need to know a few things how many horse power does a basic 80cc two stroke no mods put out so i can calculate how much liters per min it uses of gas so i can figure out how much LPM of hho i need
welcome to our motorized bicycle community, I am not sure on the 2 strokes however I think around 2hp, I am sure one of our members will know for sure and answer the question, I look forward to hearing more about your project, sounds pretty exciting, it's great to have you with us
hello im not sure were to post this question so i just added to my introduction anyways my name is Cameron and i am from California and i am on a mission to make a motorized bike run on water HHO i need to know a few things how many horse power does a basic 80cc two stroke no mods put out so i can calculate how much liters per min it uses of gas so i can figure out how much LPM of hho i need
Hi Cameron
The so called 80cc is really 66cc to 69cc and they make about 2 1/4 real world HP.
80cc is marketing hype.

How are you generating the electrical energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen?
no wonder when we ordered a new cylinder i typed in 80cc turns out the engine we got was a 69cc and the cylinder piston and gaskets they sent us were to big
no wonder when we ordered a new cylinder i typed in 80cc turns out the engine we got was a 69cc and the cylinder piston and gaskets they sent us were to big
That doesn't make sense.
An "80" and 66cc / 69cc all use the same size cylinder, piston, rings and gaskets.

You must have a 48cc or one of the other rarer sizes such as a 55cc or 60cc

Why were you ordering new parts?
hmm not sure ill have to figure out a system for it maybe to drip into the engine at the right amount so its not running to rich or to pour while i whill have to pull the carb off and make a custom piece to attach were the carb used to go i do not need the carb because one when hho burns it gives off O2 meaning it burns what it makes its something to ponder but it is really a good idea if i am able to build something
it was time for a tune up after a 1000 miles lol of hard use the item said 80cc big bore off ebay that and i had an air leak because the head was not screwed down tight enough caused the inside to melt
im sorry if im not so good at engines and stuff i never really cared about cars engines and stuff till i got my motorized bike (do not have it anymore ) im trying all this stuff at the age of 17 is kind of hard but worth the pay off if i can get it to work
There's a 45mm piston (70cc?).
It's probably hard to get.
I have one here with barrel, and gasket, brand new, I made a 47mm piston and barrel fit, but a bit of messing around.
You can have it, but don't know what the postage is from OZ.
thank you but i do not have the motorized bike anymore parts started to break on it and at the age i was at the time it was to much to afford so i sold it