New and building a motorized bike.

O.K. folks take it easy on the old man. Im going to build a motorized bike from an Schwinn mesa bike. I have it in the garage and I don't want to spend too much money. I want to put a banana seat on it with ape hangers. I know it will push my weight towards the back of the bike. I'm not looking to race but I think it will look cool and be laid back. Any thoughts
Springer forks and a suspension sissy bar for starters.
Yep, nice, all I have is a mountain bike. I know I should use a cruiser but that is another 175 buck unless I can find a used one. the other concern is the amount of room for the motor foot print. I only have about 11" of room measured from the down post. It will be tight. I think it will fit.
If you mount a China Girl engine just right it will probably fit in one of those masa frames. You might have to get an off-set intake and have the carb sticking away from the frame to get it to fit. It might be a challenge but it probably can be done.