need some help chasing down a bug


New Member
hello everbody,
having trouble with my motor. got the piston rings replaced today (super strong fingernails method) and got all the innards put back together and mounted on the bike. so I know all the innards are good as far as everything ive torn down ive put back together. tried to start the motor (pedal start) and still cant get the thing to power up. I know im getting gas to the spark plug and i know the spark plug is working as its brand new. as to power for the plug im sure that its getting power to it as the bike will fire up poom poom and then die like its either getting too much gas and flooding out. i put the dual boost bottle kit on the thing and first thing in the morning im going to take it off and put the stock intake back on and see if maybe thats the could very well be that i have a gasket problem with it and will try that tomorrow too. btw you can use old leather boot scraps as gasket material right? isnt that what they used to use back in the old days? im broke and tired of chasing down the problem but will keep working on it. btw the kill switch is wired in with yellow/red wire to the white wire coming from the motor, green wire to black wire right? thats what the peeps at the bikeberry customer service told me and i still havent gotten the thing to thats besides the point at the moment considering i cant get the motor to run anyways huh.....lemme know some ideas as to what the gremlin might be would you? thanks,
well i finally got the motor to turn over and power up a little. it was hellish getting all the stuff set up on the bicycle correctly. first with the expansion chamber piping interfereing with my pedaling which was probably the hardest part of installing. then with the problem with the fuel not getting to the motor. i couldnt for the life of me figure out why it wasnt working thought i had lost spark. but i hadnt i just didnt have any fuel in the fuel bowl so no fuel was getting to the the fun part. installing and tuning my CNS carb. i may save that for another day though. im already tierd of working on the bike for today.......probably wont stop me from trying to work on it though.
now i have some problems with the motor bogging and jerking me around. im thinking it could be because i still dont have my fuel intake stuff quite right yet. maybe when i get the CNS carb put on itll settle itself out. i sure hope so.
Good luck man. What does your plug tell you? What's it gapped at? Sometimes a larger gap can cause jerking, because lower rpm means less power to the plug. So a smaller gap can help low rpm twitchyness, sometimes...
