Need Controller for EV Warrior Motor


New Member
I am building my first electric bike using an EV Warrior motor assembly. Having a hard time finding a suitable controller. The EV Warrior had a Curtis 1505 controller that is rated at 24V 20A continuous and 80A for one minute. Where can I find a suitable controller at a reasonable cost? Thank you.

I just bought a controller on ebay. I do not know if it will work with the ev warrior. It is brushless and has the hall effect sensor circuit. I'm not sure the warrior uses the hall effect sensor.
24V 250W brushless controller for E - bike & scooter - eBay (item 300276900706 end time Jul-26-09 06:18:46 PDT)

They say they can find what you need if they dont have it. It is probably worth a try. I bought the 36volt version to use with my 24v 250 watt brushless motor. It isn't here yet so I can't tell you if it is any good or not. Sorry it's the best I can do.
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