My Schwinn Stingray Chopper and its problems.

Bike Monster

New Member
Hi i am making a occ stingray for the first time. i am having problems with the the stupid chain and tensioner any help would be a help. here are some pics


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Nice Build And Welcome. The Chopper`s Always Look Cool. I Have A Bunch Of Them, But I Am Way To Big To Ride Them. Have Not Motorized Any. Ron
I like the OCC choppers (I have two). Most people invert the tennsioners and run the chain above th brake arm. Also some people replace the tennsioner mounting plate that was designed for round frame, with a straight plate. I personally use a spring loaded tennsioner that can't esaily be seen, but it was a lot of work.
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I modified a derailer from a mountain bike, it went on where the seatpost bolt goes hung down. I posted a lengthy description of this on here somewhere, it looks cool, stays out of the way, and helps resolve minor sprocket alignment issues.
i have taken my chain tensioner for my occ and ground down (with a bench grinder) the steel on the top 2 pieces of steel to clear the brake arm cause i wasn't comfortable with the idea of running it 'up' like some people have done, also i took the tensioner wheel off and hammered the crap out of the steel to make it fit the square frame arm back there better,might of had to use longer bolts too... cant remember,it was last year i built mine. its diffidently secure and i never have to worry about it going into the spokes. good luck.
I like the OCC choppers (I have two). Most people invert the tennsioners and run the chain above th brake arm. Also some people replace the tennsioner mounting plate that was designed for round frame, with a straight plate. I personally use a spring loaded tennsioner that can't esaily be seen, but it was a lot of work.

I'll hand it to you on this one Russell!

Good job.

i have taken my chain tensioner for my occ and ground down (with a bench grinder) the steel on the top 2 pieces of steel to clear the brake arm cause i wasn't comfortable with the idea of running it 'up' like some people have done, also i took the tensioner wheel off and hammered the crap out of the steel to make it fit the square frame arm back there better,might of had to use longer bolts too... cant remember,it was last year i built mine. its diffidently secure and i never have to worry about it going into the spokes. good luck.

I have bought longer bolts.And thanks i need it..shft.dnut.shft.dnut
I like the OCC choppers (I have two). Most people invert the tennsioners and run the chain above th brake arm. Also some people replace the tennsioner mounting plate that was designed for round frame, with a straight plate. I personally use a spring loaded tennsioner that can't esaily be seen, but it was a lot of work.

I know about the different ways to mount it i just need to figure out which one to do. :-||
Everyone likes thiers the best and so will you. Remember SAFETY FIRST, Middle and always.

Good Luck
Anyone know where to get a mounting plate for a four stroke kit, in-frame, off-set for the 4" rear tire? Here's my bike, I want an inframe 4stroke, but need an easy install method. Any suggestions?


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If In The Budget. You Could Buy The Sbp New "long Awaited" 4 Stroke Shifter Kit. Motor Mount Included.

You Will Have To Fabricate The Front Mount. You Can Screw On A 5 Speed Cassette And Bolt On A Derailer For A 5 Speed Shifter.

Or You Could Use The Jack Shaft In The Kit To Run The Left Side, Do The Shifter Later.

That Way You Don`t Have To Worry About The Offset Mount.

Some Of The Schwinn Occ Choppers Came With The 5 Speed Pedal Set Up. You Can Find The 5 Speed Cassettes Cheap. Just A Thought/option. Ron
Sounds like a good idea, I'm going to look at SBP right now! :) Thank you!

...checked out the 4stroke shift kit from Sbp.. I like it, but here's my question. What if I left the one speed cog? Used the shift kit, but no shifting. Just the engine and normal rear wheel?
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if you planing on jackshafting on the occ with that kit your gonna run into all kinds of problems. first thing i see is the cranks on our bikes are not nearly as close to the jackshaft meaning your gonna have to run long section of chain forward on the bike to the crank, which might be fine however your gonna need to find away for it to clear the side of the engine... perhaps some kind of modified chain tensioner to run the chain under the engine or above it?

on the other hand, if i could stuff the 4 stroke in frame on my occ with the SBP shift kit i would try and jackshaft it like everyone else did on their occ's, where the chain from the front crank comes back to a freewheel on the end of the jackshaft. the only issue with that is the gear ratio. which should be easy enough to find new gears for the jackshaft. maybe SBP has the right gearing to swap em out with anyways. but i just woke up and read this so maybe my thinking is to sloppy.but my 2 cents worth.

You Are Correct, My Bad. He Wanted An Easy, And I Did Not Think It Thru.

I Have All The Parts For The Separate Jack Shaft Using The Ideal "" Parts. It Is Economical To Build And Eliminates The Need For The Freewheel On The Pedals.

I Looked At The Staton 3 Groove Freewheel Adapter And The $5. 3 Prong Sprocket Several Time`s, Before I Under Stood Their Function, Very Slick Parts.

With The Staton Parts You Can Pedal Start Your China Girl And Have A Freewheel For The Pedals And The Rear Wheel Freewheels. The titan 4 stroke will need a gear box to achive propper final gear ratio.

Addicted - Yes You Could Use The Single Speed Freewheel That Comes Stock On The Occ Choppers.

A Member Recently Posted A Link To A Aluminum Jackshaft Bracket With Bearings @ $29. . Comes With 1/2" Id Brgs, But They List Another Bracket That Has 5/8" Id Brgs, Which I Think The Bearings Could Switch. The Parts Are At A Robot Supply.

A Steel Plate Could Be Welded On The Frame And Bolt The Alum Bracket To The Plate. Will Try Find The Link.

Some pic`s of my plan. trying to keep the price dn as i have a room full of occ choppers. lol, addicted !!! I found the large gold iradacated washer`s for bearing mount`s = 10 washer`s for $10..
Will use a short piece of 2 1/2" channel iron with gold washer welded to each end for my brackets. This will work on my stretch cruiser`s also.

Hope this helps and redeems me!! ron


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