My new seat will start with this...

I will fab a new seat from fibreglass. After removing a seat post from my Crew Bikes steed for the upcoming motorized bicycle build, it came to me: I can use those BASSETT BMX seat guts on my gas bike. I have Bassett BMX seat post clamp on said bike. I will make a simple CAD/CAM (Cardboard Aided Design/ Cardboard Aided Manufactured LOL) cafe style seat using the seat guts to mount the seat. The seat guts will have important adjustability. I may dip the seat down closer to the rear wheel. Will I use the shock I had ordered? Who knows? I don't think my clutch kit will arrive for quite awhile, so I have time to fab this seat.

Here are the seat guts in question, along with the shock that may or may not be used.
... I was thinking about something like this or a door hinge...

That took me down a rabbit hole LOL

I even found a way to get the hinge on sans welding. Not as attractive as welded on, but I I may even figure out how to make it work welded onto a seat post. Maybe even have a bung welded together with the hinge. This would require outside help.

LOL This bike may never get built!