Minimum CC's


New Member
Tried searching for this but couldn't find anything. I'm sure this is a common noobie question and I'll get a flood of threads but I wasn't able to find them.

I am planning to put a weed whacker engine on a full size mountain bike. I need it to carry my 220 pound frame plus some gear (~25pounds) around on dirt roads and some well maintained four wheeler trails. Some up hill but nothing severe. I am leaning toward a 4 stroke engine but not completely sure yet so info on either will be helpful.

Should I be looking at 25-35cc engines or go bigger?

I have no desire to travel 40 miles per hour or drive up mount Everest. However, I'd love it if I could drive up a steep hill without peddaling. At what point would I be buying over kill by going too big? What concerns should I have about too big and at what point am I getting into that realm?
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Not sure how many four stroke weed whackers you're going to find out there. Most, if not all are 2 stroke.

Gearing is important when it comes to hill climbing ability verses speed. That goes for whatever drive type you choose, chain, belt or friction. Do some research here and look in the 'Do it Yourself' section to see what others have done as far as power plant selection.

Not sure how many four stroke weed whackers you're going to find out there. Most, if not all are 2 stroke.

Robin Subaru EHO 33 cc and Honda GX 35 cc are 2 very popular
4 stroke weed wackers that use the standard 76 mm centrifugal

The Honda GX 35 is an all angle engine that is used on many hand
held trimmers and cutters.

Forget about the 25 cc versions of the Robin Subaru EHO and Honda GX
as they are only a little cheaper with less power.

What is your budget? has some gear drive systems that will climb really
well with the 35 cc 4 strokes if you can afford them.
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