Member at large

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
I ordered two kits a couple month ago....of course the guy was a scammer, and I never got them I did get a refund (always use PayPal).

Found out the popo 'round here frowns heavily on motorized bikes (talked to the three guys I have seen riding them....for a short time) even though they let heroin dealing go on for months despite several tips, dozens of photos of deals ect. (that's another story kids).

I have been posting more in GUITARS thread in the Tavern than on the bike forums.

Having said that I will continue to try to help out here, but for now my motorized bike days are on hold.

Thanks for listening.
Smack junkie looking to steal something. He claimed he was looking for his dog, and the police let it go. 20200626_114359.jpg
He's trying to "lift the skirt" of my Shed in a Box where I keep my bicycles, some tools, bike lift, ect.
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These guys are crawling all over like rats here. The police refuse to do anything. I guess the mayors kid or the police chief's kid are among them. I can't think of any other explanation.

I was told by the county task force that they "were working on it".and fed me a bunch of blah blah.. They aren't doing anything. The first time something is missing or the next time I find them in my yard, it's over.

I know where a lot of them live, I've followed them home after they get their goods at my neighbors.
These guys are crawling all over like rats here. The police refuse to do anything. I guess the mayors kid or the police chief's kid are among them. I can't think of any other explanation.

I was told by the county task force that they "were working on it".and fed me a bunch of blah blah.. They aren't doing anything. The first time something is missing or the next time I find them in my yard, it's over.

I know where a lot of them live, I've followed them home after they get their goods at my neighbors.

That's what large dogs are for lol

They swing a wide path around my yard lol. Both weigh around 130 lbs each.
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One of them walked part way into the driveway and stomped his foot at my dog who was barking at him, she's 1/2 Red Heeler 1/2 Border collie. Think 37 pound Jack Russell, haha.

I saw it out the window, and he didn't make it 100' and I was on him. He cringed in fear as I told him if he even so much as looked my way when he walked by I'd take him down. I think it was the way I had a clenched fist wheeled back like I was going to roundhouse him as I said it.
We got a guy looks just like him in Rubicon named Geno.

They all look the same. Shaved head, super skinny, and look 20 years older than they are. They all wear backpacks most of the time. They all have a certain "hunch" when they walk.
You can tell them a mile away....or maybe because I see 20 of them a day. One Saturday a couple weeks ago, I counted 60++ deals. A lot of them then go up to the park (also near my house) and sell it to others.

This guy lives in the dealer house 2 doors down his name is Scott.
Once when I was working 2nd shift. Geno, cajoled my wife to drive him to Milwaukee he said to pay a bill.
Mona, tells me about it when I got home. I love her, but she says "Did I do something stupid?"
I said no more, she just figured it out.
Before I started pedaling I used to walk for exercise and I don't know how many times I've been mistaken for a homeless person. Including by law enforcement. I've been offered food, money, and a blanket once from a Texas Sheriff! He thought I was living under a nearby bridge.

I paid the mortgage off 10 years ago so I just laugh it off. Who cares?
I ordered two kits a couple month ago....of course the guy was a scammer, and I never got them I did get a refund (always use PayPal).

Found out the popo 'round here frowns heavily on motorized bikes (talked to the three guys I have seen riding them....for a short time) even though they let heroin dealing go on for months despite several tips, dozens of photos of deals ect. (that's another story kids).

I have been posting more in GUITARS thread in the Tavern than on the bike forums.

Having said that I will continue to try to help out here, but for now my motorized bike days are on hold.

Thanks for listening.
Go electric. Its cheap nowadays. And WAY less attention. Among unregistered small vehicles an engine usually makes it an unregistered motor vehicle.