LTB .. Electric kit..


New Member
I need to buy a full electric kit for a bike.. hub/battery pack and throttle.. (everything)
If you only have 1 or the other thats fine too..
Wife wants an electric setup... so she can try to keep up muahahah. Thanks. VWzpt
I am tryin to budget on this one.. so far ebay has the cheapest kits. not to mention shipping to where I am is about 70 bucks... Probly gonna try to make one ... haha yeah right my wife would never ride it then. lol
yes thats understable but you cant never trust ebay i rather be safe than sorry

Very Very True..... Well the way it is.. If I can find a good bargain on a kit now... then I will pay now.
But If I end up paying full price.. itll be in about a month before I can afford it lol... so eventually either way I will have one. Thank you COA for helpin. VW
I think you would have much better luck asking in the swap/buy/trade section of the electric bicycle forum Endless Sphere. Always cheap items up for grabs there.

Best of luck
