Lack of head compression?


New Member
So i've been thinking about my dead gt5 skyhawk slant for a looong time. Been outta state for 6 weeks. Back now.
What i notice is that there isn't any ('swoosh, pop. Swoosh, pop.') compression (no,not combustion) sound as the piston goes up and down.
That sound was definately there w/my old flying horse when the clutch was engaged and piston moving.
So are these anglefires' MUCH quieter(again, this does not refer to firing decibels) or is it bad ring seals, something else?
I pedal, engage clutch, continue to peda until the added friction of drive train makes it near impossible, and if not for my letting the devil have my tongue there would be comlete silence.
I've got (Permatek high tack) gasket sealer on both sides head gasket, of course.
Also, check the head gasket, perma seal gasket maker doesn't last too long on a head gasket usually.
Give us some more info. By dead, what do you mean? did you have suddeng stoppage while riding or did power slowly decline until you couldn't start engine anymore?

I had sudden stoppage for same "rare" reason second time in 6 years this past weekend. I had a piston ring retaining pin leave the piston (its press fit) allowing ring to rotate and catch a port. This caused engine seizure. The piston pin hold was elongated telling me it was working its way loose for quite some time before it "dissappeared". Fixed it quickly with spare head, piston, and rings. I did JB weld the new piston's retaining pins so they don't fall out. I usually do this but got lazy on this build and it cost me some parts. Engine had little time on it.