Kids say the coolist things


Custom MB Buiilder
I was at Wally world locking the bike when a mom & her two boys past me.
One little boy asked his Mom where my bike came from, his bigger brother said
I know Mom, They come from Wal-Mart! rotfl
lol, got to love the innocence! kids uselly are speechless when i fly by, it's hilarious to see their eyes POP out like that. several of my students want me to build them one. i've just been giving out web addresses of stores.
When my kids were still young I took them to the grocery store. My son was four and a half and my daughter was three I believe. I never ever had any problems with them like you see those crying kids stressing out mom. Once upon a time my kids tried that just once and we dropped everything and went home.
Since then they knew we simply don't play those games.
So they were all quiet and well behaved as we pass this kid throwing a temper tantrum over a toy car. My kids just looked at him as we passed him. Then an older lady approached me and said I had "wonderful" kids.
So with that and my ego all up there I asked my kids "WHO'S THE MAN?" And both of them said "DADDY"!
Then my daughter said "But Mommy's the Boss."
Kodak Moment.
So darn true....

I had a kid stop me to take a picture of my bike with his cell phone. He was about fourteen and had a cell phone that made pictures. I'm 63 and dont even have a cell phone period. Reckon there is a generation gap there.
Never had kids talk to me, but when I ride, I ride past a LOT of Amish homes. The Amish kids always come running out from everywhere and they all come up to the road and wave and yell "HELLO!"

Except the little one today, who was swinging a cat by it's tail.
I was on my "regular" bicycle when I saw that.