imitation is flattery, I guess...


New Member
So, it's kind of amusing.

The kids in my neighborhood all go googly-eyed when they see my bike. A couple weeks ago, I was pulling into my driveway and a couple kids were passing by on their bikes. I heard one of them say "I gotta get a bike like that."

So last weekend my mother was in town and we were standing outside when all of a sudden we hear this obnoxious sound and I turn and see a couple kids on bikes. As they got closer I saw what looked like big black mufflers near the tires on their bikes. Once they got close enough, I realized what they had. They had these little contraptions attached to their bikes. They were black "mufflers" that were more like megaphones, and there was some type of noisemaker in there that must've been attached to the tire or something.

Kind of like the old playing card in the spokes thing, but with a megaphone attached and more obnoxious, lol.

Well, as annoying as it is, I'd rather have that than their parents buying them actual motors to put on their bikes. These are not for kids no matter which way you look at it.

Ah....found em. Horn Bike Pipe Motorcycle-bk Noise Maker: Sports & Outdoors
I find it very promising. Those kids are the futurre our addiction. They ensure the survival and renewal of what we enjoy. They may end up on this forum before we know it and devising a way to make improvements on our existing set ups.

jasonh: That just shows how good of an ambassador you are for the hobby.
I had this bike I forget what it was a Murray I don't remember but anyway the frame had this hollow tube that jutted out the back so friends and I would stick a smoke bomb in there and ride like the wind.
Yea. Those kids most definitely will pick up this hobby.
When I was about nine or ten, (too long ago to recall) I had a thing that attached to the chain stay and resembled a chrome exhaust pipe. It had a plasitc finger, or lever that poked into the spokes and when it flipped it produced a sound like an engine running. The thing was surprisingly loud and sounded for all the world like a motor running. Have no idea if anything like it is available today but you could always revert to balloons tied to the chain stay. We used to use the long baloons, inflated part way and tied off at each end so they would hit the spokes. One balloon sounded okay, two sounded neat but four sounded like a Harley. They didn't last too long but while they did it was fun. Really cool kid stuff.
2door, what you're describing sounds like what these kids had. See my amazon link above.

I've come to realize that I am the envy of just about every kid I pass, lol. I never got that feeling as a kid.
Jasonh, reading that takes me back to being about 10 years old tonight.

I used to watch the older guys with their motor scooters and dream of the day back then.

Somehow I grew older and my first bikes were real motorcycles and not the joy of some Riquimbili cobbled together motorized bike I had yearned to build and ride back then. So, I'm now making up for lost time while I'm still young enough to build and enjoy the one I never got and have the time of my life on. Today I'll be stopping in the Gas Stations and Convienence Stores for a bottle of soda to drink as I watch everyone else pump $4 dollar a gallon gas.

This can make any ol'man feel like a kid again. LOL......"ya mister it gets 130 mpg"...."no, HONEST" !!! "Mom.....whats impetuous mean" ? "like if some man called you an impetuous kid" ? :crash:

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No matter how old I get, I still have fond memories of all my bicycles. I remember my first bike and all of the others since then. All of us as kids have clipped playing cards to the frame of our bikes and let them flip against the spokes. We did not have computer games or the internet to destract us, the TV set at home was a 19" B&W with 5 stations, so nothing to see on it. Bicycles were our entertainment, we rode them until it was too dark to see. Thats why I think we as a group are here, no matter what age we are, we have never lost our love for the magic machine we found when we were young. Just now we feel the need to strap a motor on it!! ;)