I really need some help


New Member
hello all

My names Dave

My pusher started life as a mobility scooter, i found it in
the scrapyard it was a Town n country type so could be
used on the roads, geared to 8 miles an hour top speed,

The control section was missing But i got the basics,
Wheels 12 inch, Axle with diff, Two sprockets, The chain,
And motor with gearbox and of course the bed.

As an aside for all the trailer makers, the floor was made of
polycarbonate sheet , the roofing stuff made up of square
sections in long lenths ,,, very light but strong .

Anyway my problem i need help with ...my motor is this PM50 permanent magnet DC motor with the GB4 gearbox | EMD Drive Systems
the gearbox turns a 20 tooth sprocket which in turn runs a
75 tooth on the axle to the 12 inch wheels, giving about 8 ish
miles an hour, If i double the 20 tooth to 40 will i get 16 miles an hour?.

Theres a lot more to the story of the trailer which ill get around to
telling, I have only common or garden type tools , no welder etc
so its make do and mend.

Thankyou for listening

You might do better cutting the teeth on the drive axle. If it is a #25 chain they are pretty easy to find at tncscooters.com. you might give some thought to making a friction drive from the rear wheel rather than a pusher. but either should work. Tnc will also have the controllers as well.
Hi Dave Welcome to Motorbicycling!
Yes, your idea is correct. Along with that is the possibility of bigger rear wheels, which will also speed up your rig. You will loose some low speed grunt with the higher gears though.
Thankyou for the replys

Changing that sprocket is certainly the cheapest way out, and easyist,
The gear setup as is will climb a house side, so there should be some
leeway in the grunt department.

I found the scooter while looking for some 20 inch bikes for spares for
my trike, which is a 20 something year old Pashley Picador its gears are
Sturmey Archer 5 speed , (the 5 StAr) which uses two indicater chains,

There poking up from under the snow was this red mobility scooter
with ...i would make a great trailer... stamped all over its frozen face
I got it for £10 gbp and with help dragged it out of the yard in the snow
to the car stripped what i could and got it loaded in the back .

Since then ive cut, fit, bolted, and made a hitch hooked it up, hard
wired two car batteries to a switch and ridden it around the block,
it works in every way but fast, so having read all the posts on here
put a third battery battery in line 36 volts now , i got on the trike
the youngun got on the trailer set of and flicked the switch,faster
but still not fast enough.

I took it out on the road thats when the speed comes home to you
cars parked either side of the road cars coming the other way means
all behind have to wait till the 10 mph grey bearded idiot on his
contraption gets out of the way, i was lucky more laughed than swore.

So hence the gear change ive recieved my controller(s) another story?
so now its buy and fit another gear fit 24 volt controller throttle(you have
no idea how scary it is with just an on/off switch)

Thankyou for listening

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My motor also came from a wheel chair. picked it up for $5 with charger, no battries. Used a freewheel and just a on off sw. However the freewheel made the big difference. I use two cheap lawn mower batteries. Put a controller on it but went back to the switch.
Later ran it through the bikes gears. This was the best thing that I did, much better on hills and in traffic.
I can't imagine building a bike without tools!