I can't pedal freely...Noob


New Member
I have been at this for over a week now. I just got a 66/80 cc motor for my 7 Speed Shwinn Riverside (cruiser). I haven't added any oil or fuel yet. I can't move my rear tire. I have everything lined up, but the small sproket from that connects the chain from the motor to the rear sproket won't move freely. I've left 3/4" free play in the chain from the top center, I've been digging through these posts forever now, and I can't seem to find an answer to my problem. I am in NO way a mechanic. This is all new to me. I was just trying to curb my emissions, and now I'm wondering if I'm wasting my time. Sincerely, Frustrated in PA:-||
is your clutch connected yet? if not, that's the problem. the wheel won't turn freely without the clutch being pulled in.
is your clutch connected yet? if not, that's the problem. the wheel won't turn freely without the clutch being pulled in.

I thought that I had it on alright when I put it all together. But, then I just tried to pedal the bike regularly, and it's not moving. Here's a ?....Is that little bar in the middle of the small sproket on the engine supposed to have any play? Mine does not, and it makes me wonder how the clutch even works. It seems like it's supposed to when the arm moves on the clutch. I'm so confused! I'm so close to finishing the bike, I can taste it, and now I'm going crazy.
So, anytime I ride it regularly, I must have the clutch pulled in?
ok, got the clutch on, and it moves freely if I'm pushing the arm manually. (by hand) it really tough to do, btw. How do I make that easier so that my cable will have enough muscle to turn that arm?
if you can push that lever in by hand and find the spot where it's releasing, then you pull the cable tight and tighten up the nut right there. then your lever on the handlebars should work right.

there's a way to make your clutch easier to pull but it might be beyond your grasp, being a new guy and all.

but if you take the teardrop shaped cover off the engine, you'll see a "flower nut" and a little screw.

the nut adjusts the tension on the clutch, and the screw keeps it from moving.

take out the little screw, then loosen the flower nut one notch, then put the screw back in.

this will make it easier to pull. it's pretty simple to do, i dunno why no one else ever recommends it. i do that to all my bikes, and the clutches all work nice and easy.

good luck.
if you can push that lever in by hand and find the spot where it's releasing, then you pull the cable tight and tighten up the nut right there. then your lever on the handlebars should work right.

there's a way to make your clutch easier to pull but it might be beyond your grasp, being a new guy and all.

but if you take the teardrop shaped cover off the engine, you'll see a "flower nut" and a little screw.

the nut adjusts the tension on the clutch, and the screw keeps it from moving.

take out the little screw, then loosen the flower nut one notch, then put the screw back in.

this will make it easier to pull. it's pretty simple to do, i dunno why no one else ever recommends it. i do that to all my bikes, and the clutches all work nice and easy. good luck.

I loosened the flower nut. It didn't do anything for me. I shortened the cable, and everything! I have to pull the lever on the handle bar really hard to get it to pop the clutch. I'm doubly as frustrated as I am excited at this point in the game....:"Soooo close....yet so_far_a-way"
make sure your cable doesn't have any harsh bends in it. it's also a good idea to grease the inner cable. i just take it out of the housing, grab a pinch of grease, then pull the wire through my fingers.

those two things can really help alot.

oh, and yeah, anytime you want to pedal, you have to pull the lever to disengage the motor. same with coasting.
we pull up the slack down on the moter cluch arm then ajust at the lever ,, can screw out and cinch it,, little bit of adjust ment at the lever
it's turning. I still wish that the clutch arm had more play. Seems awfully tight to me. I have just a a few more things to wrap up on this bad boy, ex: trim rear fender some more (chain was hitting it), adjust the breaks, add some 2 stroke mixture (I am hip to the break in period) I can't wait to show you all pictures. I'm pretty proud of this first build so far. Let's just see how she runs.....to be continued. Thanks for all of your help and very fast responses. Couldn't have done it without you, Bairdco!
There are a number of ways to make the clutch easier to operate.
For now, though, just get everything working properly.
Keep us informed and if it's working well but still too hard to pull in, we can give you some tips.
For now, remove the clutch cable from the lever, set it vertical, tape a cardboard funnel to the casing and pour in a small amount of thin oil. It's not a bad idea to place paper towel under the other end of the cable casing to catch overflow.
That will make the clutch easier to operate for testing.