Hi-power cycles xc-104 e-bike


New Member

I got my bike yesterday, and wow it is a kick-butt bike. It has the 2500w with the 51v lipo-4 batteries. I went with the street tires on the full suspension frame for the soft ride, it is very comfortable riding. This bike is fast. if i get in the crouch down riding position it tops out at 38mph and 35mph sitting fully upright,The cycle computer has a mph reading and with just a little pedal assist it gets there fast. it also has no problem with just taking off from a dead stop.

After knowing now what kind of power this bike has i dont think that i would be happy with just a 1000 watt. P.S. dont tell the cops...he he

Anyway i just wanted to say that this is a really awsome bike.



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Update, I had done so much research before i bought this bike. For days i searched every site i could find on e-bikes. What i found was that anything that might be okay was over $2500 and they were only rated for 1000w and anything else looked cheap and puny. Unless you have $10,000-$14,000 to spend on a opti-bike or a Stealth, I dont think you will find anything that will hold up to HI-POWER CYCLES bikes.
I have rode my bike all weekend and i can saw it is awsome, It cruises so easily at 30mph that it almost feels like your floating on air, it takes going over potholes in the road like they arent really even there.
The only drawback that i have found, is that now, im going to have to get a new helmet. The open faced motorcycle helmet that i was using when i ride my 2 stroke bike is now so annoying because the sound of the wind is quite loud and without the sound of the 2stroke covering it up, its too much, and this e-bike is virtually silent.
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I would guess the weight is between 60-70 pounds. As far as the cruzing range , i havent gone farther than 15 miles at around 30 mph. Since its raining here in washigton i havent been able to get a full range of its capability.I only weigh 165 pounds and rinding conditions will make it very.
The price they have on their website is a little higher than you will actually have to pay if you just bargain about the price after you figure out what you want.
This is what i got - XC-104 bike, 2500 watt thunderbolt gearless hub ,the heavy duty bag/ rack system, system computer, and the 52v 10 amphour lipo battery and upgraded 4 amp charger. Total $2,999 shipped. If you go thru and add up all these options and the shipping i think itt came to $3,500-3,600 so they will make a deal.
Before i bought this bike i think i had researched every e-bike site i could find. There is nothing that could compare for this price. yes , there is the opti-bike or the stealth but who really has $10,000 to 14,000 to spend.
Okay, a little update on my bike. I went ahead and got a frame bag since i returned the lipo 4 batteries for lipo's. Its unbelievable the size difference. The lipos are about a third of the size and 5 pounds lighter.
The computer has 3 power settings, setting 1 is good for 26mph : #2 =31mph and #3 = 38 mph
My longest ride to my college is 15 miles round trip, in the highest speed setting i avereged between 30-37mph there and back and then had put another 5 miles around town riding it flat out. Considering that it would take 2 1/2 hours to charge if drained, with a 4 amp charger , it took 2 hours to recharge so it had not used up all the juice.
Also i have weighed the bike, as pictured with the batteries it weighs 60 pounds.
So far the only thing that i think needs changing are the tires. They are 26x1.75 schwalbe marathons which are good tires but at higher speeds and the extra weight they are a little skinny. I did find a place that has 26x2.1 hookworms so ill be changing them hopefully soon.


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Hi richirich,

Nice bike mate. I dont want to ruin your pride and joy but one thing you NEED to look out for is that rear rack? These type of racks are liable to snap.


You need to remember that the rack will be bouncing around back there (with nothing to support it) while you cycling along over bumps.
A couple of extra struts to help support the weight on the rack maybe a good idea. see this thread on endless sphere for a few ideas....


Endless-sphere.com • View topic - Strongest seat post rack

There is also an idea for a Bike rack for full suspension mountain bike on instructables...


Bike rack for full suspension mountain bike

Just looking out for your best intrests mate. Dont want you zooming along and have mishap due to a broken rack full of batts falling of yer new bike.:-||


PS. Strange??? I didnt see any replies about your bike while replying to your post? but now that I have posted I see there are a few replies and that you have moved your batts.
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The frame bags are the way to go, The weight of the bike is now more evenly balanced , it rides better and looks better.
Thanks anyway for the thoughts on the upgrades :)
Thanks, im having great fun with it. The look on peoples faces when im pacing them in the bike lane doing 35mph and im not pedalling, its awsome!
Since i cant ride my gas bike anymore(jerk local cops) This electric practically broke me, its just stupid they have to cost so much.
Even though its a little faster than my gas, i still miss the scream of a built 2 stroke:(