Hi welcome! These projects are FUN! Although.....if you're not mechanically inclined...I'd do a lot of reading and research on these kits BEFORE attempting an installation. You can go on YouTube and search "motorized bike kit install" and there are many different great videos. I'm not sure if we have any other members of the forum over in India, but it's always best to find someone with the proper know-how to aid you in your first installation. The last thing you want to do is go into this project blind and suffer the consequences down the road... I learned that the hard way on my first build and almost killed myself. I went through the window of a truck at 35 mph with no helmet. I was in POOR shape after that. Everyone on here is pretty knowledgeable...questions? Just ask anyone! Oh, and pictures of the problem usually are a BIG help. Thanks, good luck! Can't wait to see your project in action!