hi from the littlest state in the USA


New Member
hi everyone im from Rhode Island and im going to be ordering that $119 80 cc kit from bike motor kit .com and was wondering if anyone else has it and what they think of it thanks.
Welcome to the best, most friendly INTERNATIONAL site for motorized bikes...can't comment on the seller of the kit you want, but you can check out the "Find a dealer and review" section on this site.
that dealer was the 1 that turned me on to the Chinese in frame kits.. found them searching for a new truck in craigslist, in the auto section... ended up getting a cheaper kit ( 127.95 shipped ) from luckyearlybird on ebay.. which actully is a BGF kit..
was that a 50 cc one for 127.95 shipped matt or a 80 cc? 119.00 without shipping seems to be the cheapest 80 cc ive found kinda on a tight buget right now.