Hey all!!!


New Member
Quick question. I live in the bay area ,Ca. I was wondering whether I should go with a 50 or 80cc motor. I read it doesn't matter the size of the motor as long as I don't go over 30 mph. Any major differences between the two? Thanks
big difference is the larger motor was designed to carry a load so if a little over weight like me the bigger motor is the way to go. if you are thin and trim you can actually get more speed and rpm out of the smaller motors from what i have been told. hope that helps and welcome we are glad to have you with us
Don't go killer on the rpm's just cruze at a decent speed if you have to get a larger rear sprocket that will fit. That will cut down on your total mph and will let you use to motor off of the start. The 44th that comes with the kit is ok but 30mph to get their the mototr will be screeming if you are not doing 40 like I was lol.
Thanks for the tips. This will be my first motor build and can't wait to get it going. I'm also looking to buy an inexpensive tube bender for a frame I'm working on,If anybody has any ideas.Lemme know, Thanks