Handlebar Extension


New Member
Hello all! I'm a greenhorn when it comes to chopper builds and the world of chopper motorized bicycles. I have a mountain bike that I slapped a Grubee on but I want to make it much more comfortable. I want to put some taller handlebars on it to minimize slouched riding and put a nice leather seat on it. Design Ideas aside, my main problem is getting all the shortish break, gear, and choke cables to fit on taller handlebars. What is the first step I should take in my project? Should i get longer cables, longer cable enclosures, or replace the shifters? I want to find the simplest solution (obviously) and would appreciate any advice from all the chopper-philes! Thanks a bunch, all!
How much slack you currently have in your cables and how high you want to go with the bars is what you need to consider. If you're looking to go 'Easy Rider' chopper height then you'll probably have to buy new cables/housings to reach. If you only plan to go a few inches higher than your original bars check and see if your cables will reach.
Typically the cables are longer than they need to be on most bikes and you might not need to replace them.
If you're looking at ape hangers with a 15", or more, rise its a good bet you'll need to purchase new cables for all of your controls.

Keep in mind that you never want any control cable to be tight with no room for full steering in either direction. Always turn your handlebars fully from left to right to check that you're not stressing any of your controls. You'll want some slack.

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