Guys I need your help im stuck


New Member
Aug 27, 2020
Hello I am having issues with my motor redlining and over revving only when I pull in the clutch. I have tried everything to fix it. Checked for vacuum leaks around the carborator and intake and put gasket seal everywhere, I tried changing out the carburetor, I messed with the throttle cable it isnt sticking. The bike runs fine when the clutch is out but as soon as I pull the clutch in it starts to redline and if I dont kill the motor it would blow itself up. What am I doing wrong? Its a 80cc 2 stroke motor. I didnt originally have this problem.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
I’ve never done it on a Ht engine but on a Yamahahopper moped you had to remove the stator on one side and know what, I don’t remember. I did it on a Tomos too. I do know things have to be removed to get to them.

I wouldn’t think they would wear out this quick though.

Is your float needle stuck?


New Member
Jun 10, 2020
Rhode Island
Sounds like an air leak. I had a similar issue and ignored it... like an idiot. Anyway 100 miles later my piston rings cracked and bounced around in the head before falling through the ports to the bottom end and locking her up. After it blew up I took it apart for diagnosis and found the intake gasket had a very small leak wasnt sealed well from vibration. This leaned the engine out bad and made it cook itself. Leading to cracked piston rings and then severe head and sleeve scoring and ultimately bottom end failure. I wouldn't ride it until you find where the extra air is coming from.
Also, check to be sure your throttle cable isn't pinched and getting stuck (unlikely but possible)