greasing a promise.


minor bike philosopher
I promised my wife that I would not build any more new bikes. I am allowed to maintain and improve the ones I have but no new ones. I can buy junk bikes for parts but they have to be stripped out and the excess parts put on the curb for the scrap metal pickers the same day.

However I have an idea to convert a 16 inch bike to a pure scooter. Why would I do that you ask. Why hello, because I think i can. I already have a 16" frame since my grandson doesn't like the bike my wife bought him at a thrift store. He doesn't like it because the bike is harder to pedal than the one I built him. He took that one home of course.

So I have a motor mount coming, and I have a 600 watt motor. I think I might buy a heavy duty controller from tnc; one I know will accept either 24 or 36 volts. I can weld on a fast 25 sprocket, lengthen the seat post, raise the handlebars somehow. Remove the front chain ring, and weld the crank in place. I can build a place to hold my portable battery pack and have a real push to start scooter. I know from the bike experience with this set up, that the scooter will run on its on after it moves a few inches. I have no idea how long it will take to get up to speed though or even if it will should I have to start on a hill.

I figure the cost break down will be something like this. bike frame $15 motor $30 controller $30 sprocket $15. miscellaneous metal $25 a little over a hundred bucks. I am hoping the sixteen inch wheels will make he bike/scooter worth the effort. That and just the joy of making something different. Has anyone done anything like this.

And hey it ain't no darn bike...

PS.. I have almost all the parts laying around. I will probably have to put 50 bucks at the most out of pocket.
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Well I get left overs from sunday most nights. She does have all the money in this family, so I do tend to go along to get along lol.. It isn't the money with her, it's that the shop so cluttered she is afraid that I will fall and stab myself. She fears going into the shop to find me impaled on an old handlebar set.

Speaking of which does anyone know how to lengthen a goose neck's down rod part.