Golden Eagle Belt Wont Track on Center, Found a Solution .


New Member
Per Golden Eagle instruction, belt should center for maximum belt life. After 3,000 miles on my Golden Eagle, the belt keeps on tracking towards the engine side. I have already gone through a belt so I know the importance of having the belt track to the center. I followed the instruction on how to align the belt, Golden Eagle Bike Engines, Geared Belt Drive Bicycle Engines / Motors for Mountain Bikes & More , it still track on the engine site.
Remove the lower mount strap and reinstall but turning it around, meaning the end of the strap that goes on the engine side will go on the other side, and vice versa. Doing this will make the belt track to the nonengine side. Remove the gear add a washer and reinstall the gear again. Mine tracks close to the center after doing this procedure.
If the gear track on the none engine side after doing , Golden Eagle Bike Engines, Geared Belt Drive Bicycle Engines / Motors for Mountain Bikes & More , just add a washer, no need for the strap removal procedure
When I had this problem on my GEBE, I just added a washer
to the side the belt was tracking on behind the engine mount
strap that bolts to the rear axle. If it is the rear derailer side, I filed
down a washer to match the thickness of the small holding screw head
that keeps the rear deraileur from falling off, then added another washer
behind the rear strap mount to center the belt on the gear. Hope this might