Going back to motorized bikes...


New Member
I used to own your basic chinese engine kit a few years ago that lasted well over 1000 miles while being moved between a few different bikes and having various mods done to it. Then I got into cars for 3 years but gas is expensive, insurance is expensive and car parts are way too expensive lol. So im going back to bikes. I have an older 26in Schwinn and I just ordered a generic 80(66) cc engine kit, a full grade 8 allen bolt hardware kit, a 36T sprocket, a billet aluminum intake manifold, an expansion chamber exhaust and a spring loaded chain tensioner.

Me and a friend are also getting work done on his bike, which is a friction drive using a craftsman weed eater motor I got for free.

Figured ill be posting various projects and questions on this forum so I'll throw up this as my introduction first.
Welcome back.

I went through something similar. Built two bikes in the spring of 2008. One lasted about a year and a half. The other made it about two years. When that one died I didn't really feel like bothering with another.

Then in the spring of 2012 the 'itch' came back. So I bought a kit and built a bike that I'm still riding.

And I've noticed that I'm starting to ride it more than I ride my pedal bike. Partly it's because it is fun. I also wonder if I'm not just getting older.
welcome back to the world of motorized bicycles. riding with someone will be great. glad to have you back with us