God Bless Ninite! ;-)


Do you love Freeware/Opensource programs, but sick of sh#%y tactics of making you jump through hoops in the install process of programs like Imgburn ("image burn"). installing crap (malware!!!!!) like Ask-bar/Opencandy/Conduit?????

even installing them after you jumped through all the hoops to not install (this is fraud folks, and should be criminal).

Remember only 4-5 yrs ago?

I do, back then there was no "opencandy" no "conduit" etc..........all programs that we loved to use installed clean!!! - not today though!!!!!!!!!

unless you use.............


and it works!!!!!!!!!!! -even installed the notoriously mal-infected and fraudulent installing methods of IMGBURN..installed it CLEAN!!

just go to their website


check off the programs they offer that you want (and they all will install at one time and without shtware)


download their ninite.exe (an installation script of some sort)
Looks interesting, Gaffo. PCworld gave it 4.5 stars. I am a little leary of "wonder software" And the tread title really did give me pause. (Absolutely, no offence intended!)


Dug a little deeper; https://www.google.com/search?q=wha...j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=ninite+review

I refurbish a lot of PCs, laptops etc and might give it a try. Would be a great time saver.
Thanks for posting.

The forum is considering a tech section, Gaffo. What'a ya think? It'd be a whole section on things like this (Always research any software before downloading!) , how2s on using the forum etc.