Generator ran e-bike?

I once saw a guy a few years ago from NY state that ran his e-bike off an alternator ran by a gas engine to get around the law banning gas propelled bikes. I wonder if you couldn't do the same with a generator mounted on a trailer like this

Just need to rig up wires to connect to the motor regulated by a throttle control sure would solve the range issue with e-bike batteries. The guy that had his running off a generator hooked it up to a junk car battery and ran off that.
Here's a nice generator to run it with but shipping weight is 111 lbs:
This one doesn't have 12v outlet but weighs 39 lbs:
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Ya know a fella could add a nice deep cell battery with a cheap car charger and charge the thing on the fly as well as going down the road with the smaller one...kill da engine to be stealth when ya hafta LOL
The reason I built an ebike is to get away from stink, noise and vibration.

I am in no big hurry to put a stinking, vibrating gas powered generator on it.

You guys have fun with that.
I hear ya I was thinkin the generator would also come in handy goin cross-country to power laptop ect. I know a lot of gear would get heavy but you could build a trailer with electric brakes for safety as well as a HT engine to assist over steeper terrain. It'd be a good idea to have the batteries in panier bags on the bike to help control the trailer as well.
Hi George, I am the guy in NY.
My youtube vid is still up, but I abandoned the project to go to straight gas power.
Problem with the alternator is it is only 50% efficient by my figuring.
Then you add in any inefficiency the electric motor has and you are using a lot of gas power to go 20 mph flat out.
When I found out the legislature failed to pass an e-bike legal law, I bought a basket case moped and made my bike into it. Registered and all with gas power (and gears).

Now, a real generator gives you much more efficiency than a alternator but that is a lot of gear to drag around.
Thanks for the reply and the info. I guess trying to use a battery would result in the same inefficentcy. The generator rated at 900 wa tts is only 39 lbs shipping weight problem is it is only 110v ac no dc current. One thing is for sure you did show it could be done!