New Member
Just thought I would say hello again, since its been a LONG while since I came aboard back in 2008. I guess someone could say I wrecked my bike and was in a coma for 12 years with 1 year rehabilitation, but that would be a lie. Actually my bike is fine but shortly after my initial entry here on this forum I ran into a pack of dogs , well not just one but many packs of domestic / wild dogs on the farm dirt roads out here where I live. This was to a point I had to give up using my bike. I had gotten very close to wrecking and being EATEN ALIVE. Wow, well if I gotten eaten up alive, lets just say the COMA outcome prolly would be a better one. LOL ! (( well needless to say I am back )) I am sure its todays GAS PRICES which are CRAZY that steered me back here. Just so you know the dog problem still exists out here in Cattle Country. Lots of love to fellow riders and of course this website for providing such a great location to communicate. THANK YOU MOTORBICYCLING.COM ! ! !