Fuel starvation? How so?


New Member
Alright specs first; 80cc completely stock engine kit with the exception that i cut off a 'restrictor tube' inside the muffler.

Ok so i had someone suggest that i may be having a fuel starvation problem. 2 ways i can tell is whenever im driving, the revs have 2 different sounding tones while im accelerating. I get your normal revving sounding engine, then sometimes it just sounds groggy, as if its bogging or something, shouldnt sound like that if im correct. Another is when im sitting at half throttle, im cruising at a decent speed, then when i wanna go full throttle it barely picks up and sounds boggy everytime its WOT. I made a gasket out of ceareal boxes to put inside where the carb meets the carb inlet tube, thinking it was creating a vacuum and see if it would fix the boggy sounds but the bogging is still there.

Any ideas? I'm completely stumped right now, and if it is a fuel starvation issue, how would i even go about fixing that? Opening up the throttle screw doesn't help, but thats all about i'ved tried to fix that issue. Any help is much appreciated as it looks many of you know more about these engine kits then myself haha :P

I believe i found the root of my problem, theres fuel inside the float, guess i'll keep this post up for future people who might encounter a problem like this. Now the only issue here is getting the fuel out, lol.
if there is fuel in your float you got to get a new one i would imagine. i dont think thats a fix. i got my new motor running now to with the cns carb really bogging like you said, im just going to finished my break in then start to figure out my bogging issue could be float guess i will check that out..... And its nice to see some canadians here!!!
if there is fuel in your float you got to get a new one i would imagine. i dont think thats a fix. i got my new motor running now to with the cns carb really bogging like you said, im just going to finished my break in then start to figure out my bogging issue could be float guess i will check that out..... And its nice to see some canadians here!!!

Yeah i figured i'd probably need a new one after i couldnt find a hole in the float, i just took a float from one of my older pocket bike engines and it seems to be working fine, no more high rev bogging noises :) Feels like it picks up better as well.