freewheel for 11 mm (7/16") shaft


New Member
Hi folks - I've been working with Jim Welch at SickBikeParts to adapt their gas motor kit to a GT I-drive mtb that I intend to power with a 350W Unite 1016Z3. I've been looking for a freewheel sprocket or even just a freewheel for the output shaft of the Unite. It's a 11 mm (7/16") shaft with a 4x2 mm key. Jim suggested a BMX freewheel and machining an adapter but I'm wondering if anyone knows of anything off the shelf. I've checked the usual suspects - TNC, ElectricScooterParts, Monster and AllElectronics and I didn't see anything that would work. Thanks - jd
Did you see the 600 watt motor with the freewheel on the end of the drive shaft. All electronics had them and I had bought one previously off ebay. Im not sure it's free wheel but it won't turn backwards I know that for sure. It free wheels when you reverse the leads.
Hi Deacon. I don't need a new motor, I just want to put a freewheel on my existing motor. AllElectronics has freewheels but they are the wrong size. Did you try reversing the sprocket when you reversed the leads? That should make it catch in the right direction - jd

You might look thru the various adapters that Staton-Inc offers? They have several adapters for mounting freewheels to various jackshafts and axles. Here is a link to one of their adapters to mount a freewheel to a 5/8 in. shaft. as an example. Motorized Bicycles Detail Page
