First-time chopper owner


Hey guys.. I bought a Schwinn OCC Stingray and i have my first motor lying around and figure why not? The Stingray needs a little TLC but minor 'winter' work and it should be up and running by next summer. I would like to know what ya'll used to mount it firstly(haha). That piece would motivate me to move a little faster. I read 2doors post/pic bout his easyrider bike but i just dont have any clue in that department yet. Just getting some ideas..and THanks again HAve A GOod RIDE dance1
There is an aftermarket supplier for engine mounts for the OCC. I don't have a link for you but someone else should be able to provide it.

My choppers are based on the Nirve Switchbalde which required custom made engine mounts that off-set the engine 9/16" to the left for frame and rear tire clearance.

Thanks guys for your replies.. once i get a sd card for my cam i will get pics and stuff rolling. I work alot (and golf) in the nice months and in the winter is when i will be doing all of this fun build. 2door- thanks for giving me a starting point..when i fix her up in pedaling condition I shall come back to this post for the basics. I will keep updates as it progresses. Maniac, Im not sure when i would want to get it but if you still have it when i get her up and going i will holler your direction. Thanks for all the help guys usflg